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The Truth About the Currewnt warming Trend (Book)

Mitch Battros

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June 1st 2007

Announcement: The Truth about the Current Warming Trend

by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media

I've decided to give it to you upfront and straight, so here it is. The current warming trend is real and escalating. What I have stumbled across and was quite shaken to find; is what the global warming zealots knew all along.

Many of you have been following my work for over 10 years, so it is no surprise for me to tell you once again the Sun is the primary culprit. So let me simply set that aside and go right to what you didn't know.

I'm going to make this short and to the point. There is "NO" such thing as "prevention" of the coming earth changing events. Why the global warming army choose to present this false information is still unfolding and yet to be fully revealed. My first instinct is shallow but realistic; it is simply about money. It's a "lets make it while we can" mentality. I would surmise it is not hard to believe as we watch the gas prices go up every week for "no apparent reason whatsoever". Yet, we just take. My second thought is the governmental fear of "anarchy". If the world's population had knowledge that severe and unstoppable earth changing events are ahead, what measure would need to be taken to control the masses?

More for you to know right here---right now. The IPCC not only knew that climate change is "unpreventable", they have also knew "mass migration" is imminent. So why pretend the current warming trend is "preventable" spending billions on a red hearing? The answer can only be 'greed' and 'fear'.

Here is my surprise to you. I have just completed my second book which has all the details of what I am saying now. As you know, I am not one to cut corners and I back everything up with hard facts. I know no other way. When you read this book, you will know the truth about what is going on, and some very real scenario speculation as to the "why".

"Global Warming - A Convenient Disguise" has just been completed and is going to print next week. It will be available to the general public in July. I am making this available to you as a 'pre-publication special' for the Earth Changes Media audience ONLY. I am also making available a 'Combo Special' for those of you who have not received the first book 'Solar Rain' which presents all the facts, figures, and ancient text historical data showing the Sun as the cause of historical warming and cooling trends, and of course today's so-called global warming.

Order your 'pre-publication' specials today: Click Here:link

In "Global Warming - A Convenient Disguise", you will discover we knew about NASA's true stance on so- called global warming. Yes, we knew of what was to come, and the shocking announcement by NASA Administrator Michael Griffin making this statement:

"First of all, I don't think it's within the power of human beings to assure that the climate does not change, as millions of years of history have shown, and second of all, I guess I would ask which human beings - where and when - are to be accorded the privilege of deciding that this particular climate that we have right here today, right now is the best climate for all other human beings."

Many of you have no idea how damaging this is to the global warming cabal. The workings behind this are in the book and so much more. Because I uniquely have been invited into the halls of our most prestigious scientific bodies, I have access to information very few people have. You need only look at the list of worlds top scientists I've had on the show. It is matched by no other---

What you about to read below comes directly from the IPCC report itself. You will see they have always known "mass migration" is imminent. The expanded report is in the book. You will also find in the book, that 'prevention' was never a serious option.

IPCC Report:

Changes in climate will affect coastal systems through sea-level rise and an increase in storm-surge hazards and possible changes in the frequency and/or intensity of extreme events.


Coasts in many countries currently face severe sea- level rise problems as a consequence of tectonically and anthropogenically induced subsidence.

An estimated 46 million people per year currently are at risk of flooding from storm surges. Climate change will exacerbate these problems, leading to potential impacts on ecosystems and human coastal infrastructure. Large numbers of people also are potentially affected by sea-level rise-for example, tens of millions of people in Bangladesh would be displaced by a 1-m increase (the top of the range of IPCC Working Group I estimates for 2100) in the absence of adaptation measures. A growing number of extremely large cities are located in coastal areas, which means that large amounts of infrastructure may be affected. Although annual protection costs for many nations are relatively modest-about 0.1% of gross domestic product (GDP)-the average annual costs to many small island states total several percent of GDP. For some island nations, the high cost of providing storm-surge protection would make it essentially infeasible, especially given the limited availability of capital for investment.

Beaches, dunes, estuaries, and coastal wetlands adapt naturally and dynamically to changes in prevailing winds and seas, as well as sea-level changes; in areas where infrastructure development is not extensive, planned retreat and accommodation to changes may be possible. It also may be possible to rebuild or relocate capital assets at the end of their design life. In other areas, however, accommodation and planned retreat are not viable options, and protection using hard structures (e.g., dikes, levees, floodwalls, and barriers) and soft structures (e.g., beach nourishment, dune restoration, and wetland creation) will be necessary. Factors that limit the implementation of these options include inadequate financial resources, limited institutional and technological capability, and shortages of trained personnel.

In most regions, current coastal management and planning frameworks do not take account of the vulnerability of key systems to changes in climate and sea level or long lead times for implementation of many adaptation measures. Inappropriate policies encourage development in impact-prone areas. Given increasing population density in coastal zones, long lead times for implementation of many adaptation measures, and institutional, financial, and technological limitations (particularly in many developing countries), coastal systems should be considered vulnerable to changes in climate.


Given the fact that there is "no prevention", what about "preparedness"? In the book "Global Warming - A Convenient Disguise", you will see the hope which is still available to us all. I cover the many options which are available for preservation and sustainable communities. I am hopeful this book will help ignite a new paradigm of thinking, and will stop the waste of billions of dollars to the lie of "prevention" only to line the pockets of the greedy.

We have the money and resources if we spend wisely and in the right direction. So let's make it happen-------