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A Daily Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions,

Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times Front Page Headlines








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Image 1: A libtarded protester at the March for Science in Philadelphia in April     Image 2: Elon Musk said he would leave an advisory council for President Trump after the announcement that the US would exit the Paris Accords.


New York Times: (Op-Ed): Trump’s Stupid and Reckless Climate Decision


New York Times: ‘Climate Change Is Real’: Many U.S. Companies Lament Paris Accord Exit




The intra-mural war between the Satanyahu Zionist and the Soros Globalist crime families of the "Kosher Nostra" heats up (no pun intended) with Trumpstein's decision to stick it to the Globalist faction by pulling the United States out of the "Paris Climate Agreement." As the world's leading emitter of harmless plant-food molecules (CO2), this essentially means that the devious deal, in spite of China, India and Russia's feigned "commitment" to the Paris scheme, will, in due course, die altogether -- except perhaps in the Communist EU and many individual American states.
Now would be a good time to summarize some important historical propaganda milestones of the 40-year old hoax that has "evolved" from being known as "The Greenhouse Effect" TM to "Global Warming" TM to "Climate Change" TM.
  • 1970: With great fanfare, the first "Earth Day" (April 22nd, Lenin's Birthday) kicked-off with CBS's Walter Cronkite (CFR) hosting a nationally televised TV special. The theme of "saving the planet" was thus introduced to the gullible young hippie crowd who have since grown up to takeover America, at the behest of their invisible handlers (cough cough).
Cronkite and the media's heavy promotion of "Earth Day 1970" was a sure indication of a Globalist push for some sinister agenda.
  • 1975-1978: During the mid 1970's, "scientific" talk of a coming "ice age" (not necessarily related to pollution) was used to frighten the population.
People aged 45 and under cannot remember that we once had a bit of an ice-age scare.
  • 1979-1982: At a time when world population and plant-food emissions were far lower than they are today, concerns about an ice-age are suddenly replaced with tales of a "Greenhouse Effect" TM that is expected to wreak havoc by the Year 2000. After nearly 40 years, none of the dire predictions have come to pass as "doomsday" is again and again pushed up to yet another far off day in "our children's future."
  • 1990: The children's TV show, Captain Planet and The Planeteers" is unveiled by Globalist Ted Turner. The series will be broadcast on TBS from 1990 to 1992. A sequel series, The New Adventures of Captain Planet, is later broadcast from 1993-1996. Many millions of children, now in their 30's, were brainwashed by cartoons which featured the green-haired Captain Planet and his young "Planeteers" battling against evil business and oil men such as "Hoggish Greedly."

1. In the early 1980's, images of the Statue of Liberty, predicted to be under water by 2000, were used to frighten school children across America.  2. Captain Planet and the Planeteers: Evil Communist propaganda aimed at helpless children -- many of whom have since grown up into adult libtards.

1992: CFR member, Senator and soon-to-be Vice President, Al Gore (D-TN) publishes Earth in the Balance, in which he calls for a "Global Marshall Plan to "save the planet." The book is hyped to the stars by Sulzberger's Slimes and the rest of the Piranha Press.
2006: Al Gore, who had almost been elected President in 2000, authors another propaganda book titled, An Inconvenient Truth. Dealing solely with the "crisis" of Global Warming" TM, the error-filled book serves as the basis for a movie version directed by Davis Guggenheim (cough cough) and narrated by Al Gore. Gore's fake film premiers at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival. The Marxist movie is then mega-hyped by the Piranha Press and wins two Academy Awards. It would later be shown in classrooms across America and Britain. Adding idiocy to insult, Gore is then awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his assinine activism.
The world gone mad! Greasy Gore collects an Academy Award and a Nobel Prize.
2015: The Communist Pope Francis issues an unprecedented edict directing his followers to believe that "Climate Change" TM is real. He condemns it as a "sin" and urges the world to "take action." All of a sudden, the Judenpresse loves a Catholic Pope. Hmmmm.

2016: Hollywood degenerate Leonardo DiCaprio releases a National Geographic crockumentary about "Climate Change" TM. The pack of lies, massively hyped by the Piranha Press, is titled, Before the Flood. DiCommio and Poop Frankie are now the biggest public faces pushing for action (global taxes on plant food and NWO control over business) on "Climate Change" TM.

A few years after his perverted sexual assault scandal (here) and subsequent divorce, Gore's role as the main public face of the hoax was assumed by DiCommio and the Communist Poop Frankie --- shown together in Image 3.


In the absence of any real science to support the outrageous claims, it was these propaganda initiatives, combined with never-ending Fake News stories, that brought nearly 50% of the American public to now believing in at least some degree of man-made "Climate Change" TM. It is a classic case of bought-off "science" and "manufactured consent" being used to cover up the Globalist agenda to tax the air we exhale -- and which plants "happily" inhale -- and then transfer that stolen wealth to UN bureaucrats and Turd World politicians. That's the truth, and the seditious scum at Sulzberger's Slimes damn well know it.
Now before "youse guys" (New Jersey speak for the plural of you) jump back on the Trump Train over this welcome event, keep in mind that Trumpstein's war on Globalism and EUism is being waged on behalf of Israeli Super Nationalists working for a "Greater Israel" -- not America. Trumpstein also blew a golden opportunity to publicly denounce the Fake Science of the warmists -- opting to oppose the deal on the basis of economic arguments only, while still acknowledging that some small degree of man-made warming is occuring -- when it is not! And finally, because the false belief remains in place, about 20 US states (including the massive states of New York & California)  will still have expensive and job-killing "carbon controls" anyway.
The great hoax is still alive and well -- as is the Globalist movement.