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Climate activists try to silence climate skeptics... No debate allowed... Same tactic always used by the radical left when they are losing the argument

J.D. Heyes

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Dec. 1, 2015

(NaturalNews) Well, another "climate change summit" is on the books, and the "agreement" isn't even being applauded by the "green" groups. But that didn't stop the global warming hucksters from doing all they could to force their views on the global public, not through reasoned debate, but by attempting censorship.


As noted by Marc Morano of Climate Depot – who was in Paris recently to kick off a documentary "Climate Hustle," laying out the hoax in detail – several environmental groups called for revoking the credentials of any attendee who questioned the cult of global warming, while others have called for banning opposing viewpoints and even taking legal action against "deniers."


Moreno himself appears in a photo next to a "WANTED" poster featuring him, which has been affixed to a post, presumably in Paris (some of the poster is written in French).


"I may have to relocate to a secure undisclosed location. I hope I don't need a stunt double tonight to walk the red carpet at the 'Climate Hustle' premier," he said in a statement mocking the poster and the concept behind it.


Another WANTED poster created by a French climate activist group, claimed that Moreno and several other people identified by the group are "WANTED for destroying our future."


The flyer/press release further states:


"The world is calling for a commitment to a 100% clean future at the climate summit in Paris. But a group of climate criminals is trying to stop that deal. Their tactics are different, but their end game is the same: shift the focus away from emissions targets and keep fossil fuels at the centre of human development. Some even argue that more money should be spent on coal - the worst carbon-polluting fuel. Most get paid by fossil fuel companies like Exxon to speak against climate action. Some of them have launched extreme public attacks against scientists and others."


As for Moreno specifically, the group, AVAAZ, advised attendees of the summit to steer clear of him.


"Marc Morano has made a career out of spreading climate misinformation through the Climate Depot website, and has said that climate scientists, 'deserve to be publicly flogged.' His signature trick is to publish the email addresses of climate scientists, a move the Guardian suggests leads to Climate Depot readers cyber-bullying scientists," the press release said.


"Morano is the PR man of the climate denial industry. This year, when Pope Francis visited the US, he orchestrated a report accusing the Pope of creating an 'unholy alliance' with climate activists," it continued.


The Australian, meanwhile, reported (paywall):


"Green groups want alternative views on climate science silenced in Paris, with a call for delegates with contrarian opinions to be ejected from the UN talks. ...


"Sceptic groups such as the Heartland Institute have started to arrive in the French capital, sparking fears among environment groups that they will derail proceedings using funds from fossil fuel interests."


So, no debate or discussion – just bans, censorship and the imposition of one viewpoint over the other. That must be what the "united" part of United Nations means – forced unity. That's what desperation looks like.


And honestly, the "warmists" as Morano calls them, ought to be feeling desperate. Their hoax has been exposed time and again as a fraud. Consider:


-- Time and again climate data purporting to "prove" warming is taking place has been faked or changed;


-- Some of the same dire warnings the government issued during the "global cooling" scare of the 1970s – such as, the cooling will become a major national security issue – are used in the global warming hoax today;


-- In order to perpetuate their hoax, the cultists need to spew their "science" without challenge, which is why they want government to criminally charge so-called "deniers." Only people whose viewpoint cannot stand up to scrutiny would wish to empower government in such a manner.

