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A Complete Meltdown Of National Geographic And NASA

Steven Goddard

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May 13, 2015

National Geographic cites: “A recent study says we can expect the oceans to rise between 2.5 and 6.5 feet by 2100, enough to swamp many of the cities along the U.S. East Coast. More dire estimates, including a complete meltdown of the Greenland ice sheet, push sea level rise to 23 feet, enough to submerge London.”

Cole: Damaging effects of human-caused climate change already hurt sea life

National Geographic used to go actual places, and take actual photographs of the local wildlife and topless girls. The magazine served a useful purpose at that time. But those days are gone – as National Geographic has become just another climate propaganda magazine.

This is what the actual Greenland looks like today. Five weeks from the summer solstice, Greenland is buried in snow, and temperatures on the ice sheet are 45 degrees below the freezing point of water.

ScreenHunter_9197 May. 13 05.15