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2/28/2015 — North Pole frozen solid — South Pole re-freezing — East Coast frozen waves?!

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March 1, 2015

So much for “global warming”, and so much for the “melted” North Pole, and “melted” South Pole.


Clearly, the North Pole is at 100% ice pack from Canada to Russia. Ice reaching as far south as Nova Scotia .. reaching out into the Atlantic fully surrounding Svalbard, almost reaching ICELAND!!!


The icepack can be seen growing BEYOND the arctic circle at this point, reaching out into the North Atlantic.


Meanwhile, we have new reports coming in on the East coast of the United States that “strange frozen waves” of slush water are hitting the shores of areas as far South as Massachusetts:


Indeed it might seem strange to people on the East coast, since the ocean normally stays above freezing point. However due to the massive ice concentrations at the North Pole, it now appears to be spreading as far South as the United States.


The Antarctic South Pole is also still under ice. Unlike last year, we are seeing large areas of ice remain in place, now going into fall season in the Southern Hemisphere, you can see the South Pole ice pack is starting to even out, and grow .


Last year, the South pole had RECORD levels of ice, thus it is no surprise that this year we are seeing vast areas of the South Pole remain covered in 100% concentrations of ice.


Check the levels for yourself, and see that the “global warming”, and “melted poles” stories are totally false.: