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From Dick Eastman

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Sept. 24, 2014


1) California Drought -- Rothschild wants the San Joaquin Valley


2) So when France backs out of bombing ISIS ISIS immediately cuts of the head of a Frenchman in Algeria -- CLEARLY ISIS IS A BLACK OP TO GET NATIONS KILLING SYRIANS



"US military scientists ... are working on weather systems as a potential

weapon. The methods include the enhancing of storms and the diverting of

vapor rivers in the Earth's atmosphere to produce targeted droughts or

floods."   --  Dr. Rosalie Bertell


"Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques

for conducting secret

warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be

appraised... [T]echniques of weather modification could be employed to

produce prolonged periods of drought or storm."   -- Zbigniew Brzezinski



Drought in California  -- its all about forcing the owners of fertile San Joaquin Valley to sell.  When international bankers own it the rains will return.



Control of weather systems exists.  It is an established weapon in the Chinese, American and Israeli arsenels.  We see weather control operations in skies around the world, as reflective cloud is put out to affect the heat economy and thus pressure conditions of different regions so that moving parcels of air, whether wet or dry, warm or cold, spinning or stationary can be redirected, intensified.  The technology exists and is being used and it is never used to an announced good purpose.  Its existence is simply not discussed by goverment or the controlled news networks of this country.  Drought can be created by an even easier technique. Rain clouds can be dissipated almost in an instant by releasing carbon black powder into the coulds.  The carbon absorbs the suns rays and emits heat which turns the water particles of cloud back into invisible vapor -- eliminating any chance of rain in that area. *  The central valley of California is probably the most valuable agricultural land in the world.  It is worthless without water.  If it dries up the farmers are bankrupt.  Could it be that the people who really CONTROL the USA are intent on acquiring for next to nothing,  the most valuable agricultural land in the world?  

* Here is what I wrote on October 22, 2001. Note the discussion of van Straten's findings (I've relevant passage in red for you below) and how it may apply to the induced prolonged drought in California.  Note also the discussion of induced drought in Afghanistan in 2001.


Dick Eastman

Yakima, Washington


Record-breaking drought and anti-terrorism terrorization will combine to

produce a population support shortfall in Afganistan. "Aid officials estimate

that up to 7.5 million Afghans might be threatened with starvation."

( http://www.MiddleEast.Org )



Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen on Clandestine Weather Modification



"Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby

they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through

the use of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds

out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon

other nations...It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify

our [counterterrorism] efforts."


Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism

conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn.


Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at

the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy,

University of Georgia, Athens, Apr. 28, 1997.




The drought in Afganistan is the result of U.S. clandestine weather

modification operations and these hostile operations, considered a species

of information-age warfare, were begun long before September 11. The

tell-tale sign is the horizon-to-hoizon contrails layed out like venetian

blinds, which then growing, create a solid sheet of highly heat-reflective

cloud. All year long there have been heavy laying of so-called "chemtrails"

over the India Ocean and over the Southwest Pacific. The only reason this

kind of hostile action has not been outlawed is that the general public

knows next to nothing of its existence and no head of any government- or

foundation-funded organization will allow papers or discussion of this topic

without severe career consequences. Clandestine weather modification or

"weather-ops" are classified as "stealth terror" -- the targeted

decision-makers are told what is happening and quickly give in and the

people are too weak and distressed to do anything to protest.

Dominic Nutt, a spokesman for the British charity Christian Aid,

called Short's [Clare Short, the International Development

Secretary, who said last week that there was no 'cause and effect'

between the bombing and the ability of aid agencies to deliver food ]

remarks sickening. 'Needy people are being put at risk

by government spin-doctors who are showing a callous disregard for

life,' he said. 'To say that there is no link is not just misleading but

profoundly dangerous.' Christian Aid report 600 people have already

died in the Dar-e-Suf region of northern Afghanistan due to

starvation, malnutrition and related diseases.


To break the will of the Serbians the United States engaged in clandestine

weather modification operations involving the creation of high pressure air

parcels over Central Europe -- accomplished by creating cloud cover that

cooled air near the ground to below-normal seasonal temperatures, robbing it

of convective lift, and thereby prevented the hot air coming North from the

Sahara Desert, arriving from over the Mediterrianin, from continuing further

north, with the result that the already hot desert air became even hotter as

it remained over the Balkans day after day in the summer sun. Temperatures

for Greece and the Balkans were far above anything previoujsly recorded.

Milosovic was deposed and extradited shortly afterwards. (Similar CWM

operations were used to create both drought in North Korea, also having the

effect of bringing Kim Jong Il to the conference table and an agreement to

stop long-range missile testing.



Here is one explanation Clandestine Weather modification, what it is and

what it does written two years ago:


Numerous worldwide "chemtrail" reports ( for examples, see ,, and,

support no other explanation than that large-scale operations are underway

that are modifying the atmosphere with "treatment" that only the most causal

or short-term observer might mistake for the ordinary vapor-trail

condensation of jet aircraft or natural cloud cover.


And when concerned citizens bring this abnormality, so obviously filling the

sky, to the attention of appropriate authorities, including the

Environmental Protection Agency -- a bureaucracy often so direct and

aggressive in investigating all leads on infractions of air-quality

regulations -- we quickly learn that our government is neither anxious to

impound airplanes and levy fines, nor willing to ease growing public

confusion and fear concerning what is being done to our atmosphere and why.

The time has come to subject the following as-yet-unrefuted but also

under-tested thesis to every possible criticism andtest that disinterested

research can bring to bear.


The Clandestine Weather Modification Thesis:


Since at least 1992 major weather events have been shaped by the application

of technologies that alternately heat or cool precise parcels of the lower

atmosphere, thereby decreasing or increasing, respectively, the density of

those parcels, in order to alter the pressure-system dynamics that otherwise

would naturally obtain; this being a means of governing the movement of heat

and moisture within the atmosphere, but also of redirecting wind-pushed

currents of warm or cool water near the surface of the seas -- the

interaction of marine and atmospheric events both monitored and anticipated

by real-time sensors, signal-processing, and intervention hardware.

Let us consider the two distinct sets of technologies that give Clandestine

Weather Modification its directive "push" and "pull" capabilities,

technologies involving the generation of cloud, using aircraft, and the

dissipation of cloud, using remote high- energy radio-energy generating

stations respectively.


How "Chemtrail" Cloud "Pushes" Weather Systems


If CWM is real, then the non-dissipating cloud-cover-creating

contrails/chemtrails terrifying the observant are most-likely being deployed

to reduce the amount of solar energy reaching precisely determined patches

of the earth's survace, land or ocean, in order to effect

lower-than-otherwise surface temperatures and, concomitantly,

higher-than-otherwise barometric pressure in the troposphere, or lower

atmosphere, immediately above the patch.


(Consider a pan on a stove with water heated a-little-short of the boiling

point. The heat at the bottom of the pan sets up convection currents,and

thus a circulating "weather" system is created in the fluid medium. But if

only half of the pan's bottom surface is heated, the pattern of circulation

will change in complex, but not wholly chaotic (unpredictable) ways. It is

to effect this kind of dynamic pattern change that carefully calculated loci

of chemtrailed cloud sunblock are introduced in the thermally driven

atmosphere. In this way chemtrailing redirects air-current flows, speeds or

slows them, or detains them in places so the air can gain or loose heat and

moisture. And when chemtrailing of cloud is done over the sea, the same

principle results in a change in the winds that push surface waters --a

result that puts the immense heat-energy reservoir of the tropical seas at

the disposal of the weather modifiers, giving them the capability of

steering great parcels of warm or cooler sea water from one geographical

region to another -- an action fertile in catastrophic consequences of

terrifying variety.


How Applied Radio Physics "Pulls" Weather Systems


A second meteorological mystery that the clandestine weather modification

thesis explains is the sudden -- almost instantaneous-- disappearance of

cloud before the eyes of amazed onlookers.


This feat is the work of a second technology, one that yields an effect the

opposite of that caused by chemtrailing, i.e, it eliminates high-altitude

cloud in order to allow more of the sun's radiant energy to warm a targeted

patch of earth surface more than would occur without this intervention. This

cloud-busting- effected heating of patches of surface decreases the density

of the air immediately above the patch, causing that air to rise, thereby

creating a low-pressure cell that will pull in (as wind) higher-pressure air

adjacent to the patch. (This is like adding extra heat to just one small

spot on the bottom of a pan of water to affect convection patterning.


To gain a better grasp of the physics involved, get a wide cake pan, two or

three candles, some liquid food coloring and some candle holders. Place the

pan of water over an arrangement of lit candles, then drop in some of the

food coloring so that you can follow the circulation of water in the

fluid "atmosphere." Change the relative locations of the candle-heated spots

and see how the convective flow patterns change.)


Few meteorologists are familiar with the story of Dr. Florence W. van

Straten and her discovery of "cloud breaking."


Differential heating of parcels of air to quickly dissipate natural cloud

accumulation is a process pioneered in the late 1940's by Dr. van Straten,

then a Navy meteorologist. Van Straten hit upon the idea of using

blowingcarbon black (i.e., soot) into the atmosphere through a section of

stovepipe sticking out the openeddoor of modified Superconstellation

"Hurricane Hunter." Carbon black admits almost no light and is more than 99

percent efficient in capturing every bit of light energy falling upon it.Van

Straten knew that theoretically "a pound of very finely divided carbon

scattered in the bright sunshine picks up enough energy each minute to raise

the temperature of eleven tons of water from the freezing point to the

boiling point." And even within a cloud, there is still enough light

reflected from water droplets and hitting the carbon particles from all

sides to heat the cloud sufficiently to undo vapor condensation. In the

very first experiment, when a one-pound dose of carbon was ejected into a

cloud formation growing from a base of about 2,500 to a top at about 11,000

feet ("with crisp and sharp edges and turrets looking like boiling

cauldrons, stretching upward another thousand feet or so") the carbon took a

few minutes to warm, but then the results became dramatic, as recorded from

several photo-reconnaissance planes monitoring the experiment. Multiple

motion pictures from different altitudes show "that after several minutes

during which nothing happened, the cloud suddenly spurted upward from a

point just above our flight level. A tunnel formed where we had flown

though the cloud, opening and widening rapidly until the cloud was sliced in

two. The upper section darted up several thousand feet, becoming very wispy

and transparent. Moments after its push upwards, it thinned out and was

gone. Almost simultaneously, the bottom half of the cloud turned very dark

and, as though a giant had wiped a sponge over a slate, it, too,

disappeared. The observers were unanimous in testifying that there was

nothing gradual about the process. 'Now you see it. Now you don,t,' the

pilot of a jet plane flying toward the cloud reported." So regardless of

its presence or absence in current journals, technology for removal of

sun-blocking atmospheric cloud by increasing its interior temperature has

been established by the most unassailable criterion; it has been done.

(Perhaps not irrelevant is the fact that van Straten was immediately

reassigned and her project terminated when the first progress report of this

revolutionary experiment (including even more impressive replications)

reached the Pentagon; "I was forced to return to Washington because I was

needed (?)and the planes were needed elsewhere... (yet) I was sure I had a

tool for performing significant work in weather modification."


(Note: The question mark in the preceding sentence is van Straten's.)

Source: Florence W. van Straten, Weather or Not, (New York: Dodd & Mead,

1966), chapter 12, "Making and Breaking Clouds."


Clandestine Weather Modification of course does not rely on broadcasting

soot to heat cloud. Advanced radio physics has yielded a technology that

permits high-frequency high-energy waves to be projected to the ionosphere

which in turn serves to reflect and focus excited (heated) electrons and

ions onto 30-mile-diameter targets thousands of miles from the transmission

point. This means of heating objects from a distance gives CWM its

weather-system "pull" in two ways:


1) By heating cloud enough for cloud dissipation to occur, thereby

permitting more of the sun's radiation to reach and heat targeted

earth-surface patches; and


2) By heating those land and sea-surface patches (and maybe the molecules

and ions of the unclouded lower atmosphere itself) directly with high-energy

particle streams focused down through an already cloudless upper atmosphere.

(Note: this second technique requires much more transmission energy to

achieve a given amount of CWM pull, as it does not rely on the sun to do the

additional "the heavy lifting." (It should also be remarked that the vast

amounts of electrical power this techology requires can, in fact, easily be

supplied in abundance by tapping natural gas at oil wells of Alaska's North

Slope. In fact,Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has long held a

patent that includes the design of a 40-mile-square transmitter for

ionospheric bombardment utilizing that very source.


The problem of signal processing.


Data collection, data processing, and the faster-than-real-time

modeling-for-prediction of nonlinear dynamical systems (where small changes

in initial conditions can have incalculably divergent effects if the

"corrective interventions cannot be calculated and applied fast enough are

not a problem for CWM given present known scientific capabilities.

Often presented as insurmountable obstacles for weather modification, the

barriers imposed by tendencies toward fundamental unpredictabilty in systems

of organized complexity only exist if one is attempting to change weather

too far in the future using only one single intervention applied at time t =

0. Clandestine weather modification, in order to work at all, i.e., in order

to beat the tendency of nonlinear dynamic systems to chaotic pattern

divergence, must utilize continuous feedback and correction, and this is

exactly what existing weather monitoring instrumentalities andhigh-speed

computers and software have been capable of doing at least since 1992.


Sociological, Political and

Economic Considerations


People in authority within the United States Government and various powerful

non-governmental organizations (NGOs) during the course of World War II and

the Cold War have gained managerial control over secret, originally

defense-related applied technologies, including -- as the increasingly

complete historical record now shows -- technologies that afford practical

control of discrete weather events --as the experience of Florence W. van

Straten and the fate of the great weather-modification breakthrough -- what

should have been the triumph of her career -- described above, vividly



Unfortunately it is in the nature of secrecy in organizations that those

bureaucrats and those CEO's of NGOs who control events through officially

secret means, soon come under strong temptation to employ their clandestine

power to affect economic markets for the benefit of their own, i.e., for the

people who enjoy the privilege of privately networking "inside" systems of

governance, people accountable to no one but themselves. It is for such as

these that the existence of a secret defense technology for controlling

weather would


present a great "moral hazzard," a temptation to help one's family and

friends to make a lot of money from exclusive knowledge and control of

future weather events.


Weather is the most powerful and volatile variable in the human food-supply

system, and as a consequence of this, in the fluctuations of the commodities

and futures markets worldwide.


Weather disasters involve billions of dollars in emergency funds, recovery

loans, and reconstruction investment. Insurance companies are depleted of

capital, marginalizing them as competition for other big players in the

financial markets --cut in their supply of loanable funds amounting billions

worldwide in the course of the super-weather-disaster- ridden 1990's.

Nor should we overlook the suspicious new "weather derivative" created in

recent years, a financial instrument that permits big finance to package and

sell risk-management "bets" on what buyers assume to be crap-shoot "acts of

God" or of randomly bridled and unbridled "nature," never suspecting that

the "game" has been loaded by clandestine weather modification. (British

financiers developed the first publically offered weather derivatives, by

the way.)


And finally there is the obvious contingency that giant Wall Street

capitalized agribusiness is able to buy up thousands of acres of small

family farms and Western ranches following economic distress and foreclosure

of securitized first and second mortgages, when crops fail too many years in

a row due to drought, flood, or even merely unseasonable "normal" weather



In all of the above one should keep in mind the economic reality that, in an

economic disaster, assets are not destroyed, they merely change hands. Bad

weather ruins crops, but usually leaves the future usefulness of the land

unaffected. What a hurricane destroys in one decade -- temporarily

depressing real estate values, may, ten years later, be the jungle-lush site

of multi-billion-dollar up-scale resorts owned by a consortium of global



In short, if one looks for a "bottom-line" incentive that would motivate



of a CWM system that can simultaneously cover larges fractions of

continental and ocean surface with chemtrailed cloud and can utilize

40-square-mile transmitters that suck up tons of North Shore gas volume to

bounce high energy off the ionosphere, be aware: more-than- ample economic

stimulus exists to make it all worth while.


There you have it -- the bare-bones CWM thesis.


And when you do join this investigation, may you find the rest of us all

discoursing in the spirit of John Stewart Mill when he wrote:


"The only way in which a human being can make some approach to knowing the

whole of a subject is by hearing what can be said about it by persons of

every variety of opinion and studying all modes in which it can be looked at

by every character of mind. No wise man ever acquired wisdom in any mode but




Dick Eastman


United States

Every man is responsible to every other man



Who was responsible for Michigan's quiet repeal of its entire Weather

Modification Control act in 1990?


ISIS cuts off a Frenchman's Head within two days AFTER of France halts cooperation with US in bombing of ISIS




Understand what is happening here.


France has backed out of air stricks with the US.  Almost immediately after that decision, ISIS picks a Frenchman for another decapitation.  This only makes sense if ISIS wants the French air strikes.  More evidence to add to the already conclusive evidence that ISIS is a black operation designed to move the globalist Agenda which involves the killing of Syrians, the degrading of Syria and the breaking it up into smaller states.



ISIS offshoot in Algeria claims to have beheaded a French hostage, according to SITE Intelligence Group 



The Russian government has released information about 9/11 and ISIS.


The first secretary of Homeland Security (Tom Ridge), the Mayor of

New York City during 9/11 (Rudy Giuliani)  and the Police Commissioner

of New York City during 9/11 (Bernard Kerik)


DHS  -- Now whose "homeland" might that be?


Prior to 9-11 Americans rarely referred to their country as "the homeland."  The term has always been applied by Jews to Israel and before Israel to "the Holy Land" (Palestine).  The phrase "security of the American homeland" first appears in the 1998 report Catastrophic Terrorism: Elements of a National Policyby Ashton B. Carter, John M. Deutch, and Philip D. Zelikow.  When we see Israelis being exempted from having pass through TSA screening at US airports, get a better understand of what homeland and whose homeland DHS exists to keep secure.


 Homeland Security Act of 2002


DHS Homeland security funding constitutes only 20-21% of the consolidated U.S. Homeland Security - Homeland Defense funding.  40% of the DHS budget funds civil, non-security activities, such as the U.S. coast guard search and rescue operations and customs functions. An undisclosed amount finances black operations.


On March 1, 2003, DHS absorbed the Immigration and Naturalization Serviceand assumed its duties. In doing so, it divided the enforcement and services functions into two separate and new agencies: Immigration and Customs Enforcementand Citizenship and Immigration Services.

DHS Incompetence: The Good and the Bad    DHS is an abysmal idea, which can be handled by other law enforcement departments and agencies.



Note:  I have seen pictures of ISIS without their ski masks, one clearly of Chinese descent (see my last posting)  -- Dick Eastman


ISIS is a an American and Israeli terror group. Led by a Zionist Jew who has the direct support of John McCain who has been termed a "Traitor" by his Vietnam comrades in arms.



Meet the Whiteboys & Redheads of "Arab' ISIS!

Oops! Looks like Ari forgot to put his ski-mask on!  This looks like a Russian Jew.  More support of the populist interpretation of what ISIS is really about.


When Jews are in a terrorist rebel group - only the best equipment will do.


Have you forgotten Gaza yet?

These people haven't: