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Proof: Massive snowstorm yields ‘fake snow’ signifying false flag weather manipulation or massive social experiment


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Jan. 30, 2014

Massive chemtrail’ operations found to be dumping ‘fake snow’ over Atlanta and parts of West Virginia, may signify a false flag attack on the populace

By Shepard Ambellas

(INTELLIHUB) — Stop the press! A recent snowstorm that blanked Atlanta and parts of Virginia sending thousands of residents into turmoil, causing nearly the entire city to come to a standstill, may have been a false flag operation or beta test carried out by diabolic factions of the U.S. government.

While the motive is not yet fully known, one thing is for sure, havoc has ensued and something is just not sitting right with people in the region.

KTLA5 reported:

Rebekah Cole left work Tuesday afternoon and was still sitting in traffic 10 hours later — at 1 a.m. Wednesday. She said she hoped her car wouldn’t run out of fuel as she prepared to spend the night in it.

She described what she had seen as a “zombie movie” — droves of people got out of their cars and were having conversations.

In the dead of night, they talked and walked between cars covered in white powder.

But what if that powder was made of a synthetic material?

The Proof

How many times have you seen snow in your life?

I am guessing that everyone reading this likely has seen and handled snow at one time or another. I mean, anyone that has handled snow knows that it melts as it is simply made of water.

Shockingly, after “massive chemtrail” sightings over the state of Georgia and parts of West Virginia over the last few days, residents are becoming wiser–nonetheless the government and mainstream media remains silent.

Response by Atlanta city officials including the mayor have been limited, blaming the storm on a “faulty weather forecast”.


Concerned citizens and experts alike have been left to wonder how such a big city can be caught off guard by a snowstorm.

It is also important to point out that mainstream media rhetoric has become extremely unusual regarding the weather in Atlanta over the past 24 hours.

A Call To Action

While the true intent of this operation, likely militarized, is currently unknown, it begs for a few good questions. I mean, why would the military want to demobilize the city of Atlanta for days? If they did, what would be the purpose? Interestingly, a few things actually come to mind. So if you are in the area please contact us with your reports as Intellihub News is an open source portal for suppressed information.

A few areas worth investigating are:

  1. The Center for Disease Control (CDC), based in Atlanta
  2. Preparations for martial law based on a known future event to take place soon
  3. Prepositioning of military forces

Right now we are looking for boots on the ground reports out of Atlanta, to help aid our investigation into this matter.

Video Evidence