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May 23, 2013

NOTE:  Many people believe that weather modification is being used today, and that the storm that recently destroyed Moore, OK was created by the use of HAARP.  This is not true according to Hatonn/Aton, Creator, God of Light.  He says that all weather modification, including the use of HAARP,  or by cell phone towers, etc. [see article "Cell Phone 'Towers' Are NOT What We WereLead to Believe"]was stopped by the Forces of Light years ago.

What you are seeing in extreme weather patterns are the actions of Mother Earth removing some of the negativity created by mankind, and that is killing her.  We can expect more severe storms and with ever-increasing intensity to counter the increasing negative energy on our sick planet.  Mother Earth is only trying to survive a bit longer.

May those responsible soon take action to defeat the Darkside, and begin by removing the most evil U.S. Corporate Government from power.  Great Karma shall they reap, should they fail to do so, soon!  ---PHB


I was watching a satellite loop of the tornado yesterday. I have to say, the HAARP wave patterns in the surrounding clouds was insane. Keep in mind, this tornado came out of nowhere, and in 16 minutes exploded into one of the most destructive tornadoes in history.

I went searching for a satellite loop with a google search, and I found this link.







When I clicked on the first link in the search results, it was 404′d. Why? Fortunately, it was still cached. ;)

Here is the satellite loop.

I’ve taken a screen grab of the first image.

Was Moore Tornado Created To Cover Up Scandals Compelling Evidence!

Notice all the crazy wave patterns. HAARP on steroids. 16 minutes later, it looked like this.

Notice the highly defined ELF wave patterns.

Stanford. Uggh!

Here’s the weird thing. I’ve been flipping between CNN and Fox this morning, and they are covering only the tornado aftermath. While I certainly understand the major news coverage of this horrific event, why don’t they break in at the top of the hour and just cover other news stories for a second? They certainly have time for commercials. In a half hour, I counted 17 commercials, even though I pay $80 a month for my satellite TV.

What news would they want to keep out of the public eye today?

The head of the IRS is testifying in front of congress today for the first time.

More whistleblowers come forward about Benghazi.

And of course we have the ongoing AP scandal, birth certificate, gun confiscations, fingerprinting people leaving the country, tons of scary financial news, etc…


Update. I find the changes in the casualty counts highly suspicious. Yesterday, it went from 4-10-37-51. Then this morning the news is 91 dead, now they’ve revised it back down to 24 dead? Something is very weird! Another strange thing. Yesterday, they were interviewing a guy, saying the FBI was kicking people out of the area, The FBI?? Why would they be there?? So this morning I did a google search ‘fbi moore tornado, and this is what I found.


Notice how the NY Times mentions the FBI patrolling the streets? But when you click the link, all reference about the FBI has been removed. Very, very suspicious. Let’s stay on top of this, and we might be able to expose one of the most disgusting crimes to humanity ever done. Chemtrails, weather warfare and HAARP. Anyways, on with the story.