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The Great Global Warming Swindle [Full Film]

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The general reaction to this film has been overwhelming and enormously encouraging. As the UK's Channel Four reported in Broadcast magazine, they received a record number of phone calls following the first transmission. They calculated that the calls were 6 to 1 in support of the film. It would be nice to claim that the explosion of interest was due to the film itself, but the fuss started even before the film was broadcast. The reason, we suspect, is that the coverage of 'global warming', on TV, radio and in the press, has been so one-sided and uncritical. In Britain, hours and hours of programmes have been broadcast by the BBC on the subject, much of it scientifically absurd. The very fact that a science documentary dared to challenge the orthodoxy was itself news. The makers of the documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle have made many science documentaries before. The thing they found most shocking when they started to make this one, was the weakness of the case for man made global warming, and the quantity and quality of the evidence which flatly contradicts it. Science and scientists cannot always rise above the prejudices of their class and of their age. The selection and handling of evidence often reflects these prejudices. The most highly qualified and respected scientists can be blind to obvious deficiencies in a theory, and will be dismissive of evidence when it undermines what they want to believe. But the scare over man made global warming may prove to be the first great example in the modern Western world, when science was betrayed by scientists themselves.

Aug. 31, 2011