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Gulf criminals freeze to death N Europeans

Deborah Dupre, Human Rights Examiner

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Poland reports most deaths from the sub-zero climate where thirty people have died according to ABC London correspondent Rachel Brown

Deaths by cold have been reported in Lithuania, Germany and the UK plus other people have died in snow-related car accidents.

Gulf Operation Crime of Millennium Transatlantic Effects: Death and dying by cold in Northern Europe
Photo: F. William Engdahl. Center for Research on Globalization

With death of the Gulf and Atlantic current, it is predicted that north European countries will be uninhabitable, creating mass migration south and overseas according to a Jeff Rense Program radio interview of Rick Hill on November 5.

According to Mr. Rense, we are witnessing a first wave of deaths by cold in a mass murder in the ongoing Gulf of Mexico "crime of the millennium."

On June 11, William Engdahl wrote about what he said could be the greatest ecological catastrophe in history" in his Global Research article, Gulf Oil Spill "Could Go on for Years and Years" ..(

"A cursory look at a map of the Gulf Stream shows that the oil is not just going to cover the beaches in the Gulf, it will spread to the Atlantic coasts up through North Carolina then on to the North Sea and Iceland. And beyond the damage to the beaches, sea life and water supplies, the Gulf stream has a very distinct chemistry, composition (marine organisms), density, temperature. What happens if the oil and the dispersants and all the toxic compounds they create actually change the nature of the Gulf Stream? No one can rule out potential changes including changes in the path of the Gulf Stream, and even small changes could have huge impacts. Europe, including England, is not an icy wasteland due to the warming from the Gulf Stream."

In August, scientists noticed the Gulf Operation had halted the Gulf loop enough to have lowered North Atlantic water temperatures. (Also see: US Gulf Operation hits millions across Atlantic Dupré, D., Examiner, Dec. 2, 2010)

According to Lord Stirling's 9 August, 2010 article Special Post - Gulf Stream & North Atlantic Current Dying, the Italian theoretical physicist Dr. Giangluigi Zangari had cited satellite evidence in which the Gulf of Mexico crude oil and Corexit not only broke the Gulf Loop, but also resulted in a "dramatic weakening in the vorticity of he Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current, and a reduction in North Atlantic water temperatures of 10C." (Emphasis added)

The Psychological Operation conducted on the public as part of the Gulf crime against humanity and planet has been revealed by internationally acclaimed Dr. Tom Termotto in his report released this week, complete with new pictorial evidence. (Explosive Gulf Oil Special Report: Crime, PSYOP, global impact (Slide-show) Dupré. D., Examiner Dec 2, 2010)

Questions remain whether U.S. peace and justice organizations will continue to follow WikiLeaks operatives' Modified Limited Hangout PSYOP lead, and whether environmental groups will continue following Al Gore's PSYOP lead - or break rank. (See: A gory truth about climate change mind control: Human Rights info 101

These well-intentioned grassroots organizations are needed to battle today's non-traditional, more sophisticated, covert, undeclared war claiming lives not only in the Gulf Coast Region, but now, also in northern Europe.

"Yet there is a deafening silence from the very environmental organizations which ought to be at the barricades demanding that BP, the US Government and others act decisively," wrote Engdahl in June.


Eerily, that same deafening silence exists today, six months later.


Copyright 2010 by Deborah Dupré. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without written consent.

Deborah Dupré, B.Sci, MA. Sci, DipContEd, QMHP from U.S. and Australian universities, human and environmental rights advocate for over 25 years in U.S., Vanuatu and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only title and first paragraph linked to this Examiner page. Email Send targeting and Gulf illness news tips to her with name or anonymously. See her Vaccine Liberty or Death book plus Compassion Film Project DVDs.

Obtain a Toxic Survival Kit or have one delivered to a Gulf Coast resident in need: See Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors online or email Learn to become a Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctor here. Supplies are not meeting demand. Please help.

Send aid to Gulf victims by visiting Coastal Heritage Society of Louisiana, spearheaded by humanitarians Joannie Hughes and Kindra Arnesen. (See:

Sign Louisiana's Petition to stop BP/NOAA PR campaign in Louisiana Schools teaching that oil and Corexit are safe.

Make Gulf incident reports and view the ongoing, rapidly increasing incidents at Text or call in reports to (504) 27 27 OIL. Send reports to and Twitter with the hashtag #BPspillmap. If in danger or witness an emergency, contact your local emergency response agency immediately.

Dec. 3, 2010