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Al Gore Admits CO2 Does Not Cause Majority Of Global Warming

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From: The Unrepentant Patriot

Date: Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 5:07 PM

Subject: Al Gore Admits CO2 Does Not Cause Majority Of Global Warming



This, I believe, is the most telling statement from Gore's comments below:
“Over the years I have been among those who focused most of all on CO2, and I think that’s still justified,” Gore told Newsweek . “But a comprehensive plan to solve the climate crisis has to widen the focus to encompass strategies for all of the greenhouse culprits identified in the Nasa study."
In other words, he recognizes that "the jig is up" on CO2 as a "pollutant", so now he wants to rape us all even more egregiously by speciously claiming that everything from cow farts to the family fireplace has to be taxed.
He's crafty -- I'll give him that much.
If the world falls for this, especially in light of how thoroughly the notion of anthropegenic global warming is being presently debunked, then Lincoln was wrong -- it really IS possible to fool all the people all the time.

May God save our Republic,



The Unrepentant Patriot