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Is Global Warming a Deception by Elites to Institute a Global Tax and Steal More Money?

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-From: F
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 2:22 AM
Subject: Is Global Warming a deception by elites to institute a global tax and steal more money?
This government, the United Nations and our mass media claim that our industry and our cars are causing the phenomenon known as Global Warming.  These people claim that the phenomenon is man-made and caused and that a global carbon tax will somehow make a difference.  Forget the fact that sea water levels have not risen one inch, an obvious sign if indeed melting ice was causing a rise in the level of the oceans.
Of course, these government and UN proponents of global warming (the same government people who sat and watched the bankers steal trillions in America and did nothing and are still doing nothing to give us justice) fail to note that even on their own web sites, including NASA's, there is proof that the polar caps are melting on Mars (liquid water).  Did human SUV's or industry cause this phenomenon too?  Would a global carbon tax make any difference to change such events on Mars?

Then there is Saturn's moon Triton.  Its' polar caps too are melting (liquid nitrogen).  Our SUV's or our industry again?  Would a global tax make a difference there?
There are other examples in the solar system of melting polar caps and seas.  What is the common denominator?  Of course, it is the sun.  There is powerful evidence that the sun itself, goes through its' own cycles, increasing and decreasing all bands of radiation output - including thermal output (heat).  Since we have been scientifically noting the cycles, there have been at least 24 of them to date.
Maybe this is why Al Gore has refused, and continues to refuse to debate any of the many scientists that wanted to test his theories in an open and honest debate.
Perhaps this is why those loyalists to the criminal global agenda being promoted in our universities and in government and in the media have threatened, yes actually threatened honest scientists with censure and termination of employment, and in some cases, even death, if they speak out openly against global warming and ultimately, a global carbon tax.
Please be logical and step out of the box for a moment, can a global carbon tax prevent the sun from going through its' cycles, or is it more likely that the elites, the same ones who robbed and scammed us on Wall Street and in our banks, are trying to capitalize on yet another opportunity to steal more money from us?  It is becoming ever-clearer that these people are working together as a unified mafia, with t he common enemy being the common man, and of course, truth.  
Quit being gullible America. We are being like dumb and trusting sheep being led to slaughter.  Please spread the word and challenge people to think with logic before trusting our media, the government and the mafia elites.