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Weaponized Weather Modification

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(Nov. 11, 2007)


United Nations Duplicity

The following example of the United Nations’ duplicity in all things to do with climate change shows implicitly that the organization is in thrall to the Illuminati. This from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:

World surface temperatures have been higher in 11 of the past 12 years (1995-2006) than ever previously recorded.

This blatantly ignores the latest U.S. satellite figures showing that that temperatures have actually fallen since 1998, declining in 2007 to a 1983 level. The hottest year was in fact, 1934.

Problem - Reaction - Solution Politics

It is my opinion that although the U.N. are fully aware of the figures, they can never admit to knowing, or they would lose the bargaining power of: Problem - Reaction - Solution politics.


Solar System Heating

Perhaps they are also aware of the general heating of the solar system which I spoke about in a previous post: Global Warming: A Hidden Cause, because all governments are committing themselves to action, it just isn’t the action that we are being told about.

Banning Plastic Carrier Bags

The action that the E.U. and U.N. are prescribing, and to which U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown has blithely committed Britain, is a reduction in carbon emissions of 60% by the year 2050. He doesn’t have any choice in the matter, the only choice left to him is how this will be achieved.

To this end, the U.K. is to ban plastic carrier bags!

Barium Spraying

The real action, about which the world is being officially told…nothing, is the spraying of the upper atmosphere with Barium. This takes the form of a spraying chemical, and is commonly called ‘chemtrails‘,

Barium is toxic to life. When it dissolves in water it behaves like a systemic poison, details of which you will find: Here.

Cooling The Ground

If a mass of Barium is vaporized in space it takes only seconds for it to become ionized by sunlight. This produces a reflective cloud which deflects heat back into space, creating a cooling effect on the ground.

A cool surface temperature keeps the air above it cool, and as cool air doesn’t rise, high pressure is created. This high pressure then re-directs the air flows, so that any close-by parcel of air is re-directed.

Manipulating Politics

If hot air is contained in one area by the high pressure blocking its usual movement, the air will become hotter. As when Yugoslavia was fried in 124 deg. heat to bring down Slobodan Milosovic.

The Sahara heat from the South was kept in the Mediterranean area by chemtrailing, creating high pressure in Central Europe where ordinarily it would have circulated.

The air parcel hung in the Mediterranean getting hotter and hotter.

Controlled Weather Events

It is possible to control El Nino effects which devastate the economics of many countries. El Nino, and other high-impact weather events really are under Illuminati control.

In this way short range interventions following one after the other achieve the final goal - a drought in one place - a flood in another. A hurricane landing on a particular point on a coast, eg. Katrina, can be attained.

Weaponized Weather Modification

It is called: Weaponized Weather Modification, but if governments pretend it doesn’t exist, Global Warming can be conveniently blamed for strange weather patterns.

Toxic Benevolent Plan?

There are those who argue that the laying of toxic ionized cloud is part of a benevolent plan to save the Earth from the effects of Global Warming. This due to effects of greenhouse-effect gasses in the atmosphere. Presumably the human toxicity (see youtube video) is worth the price, and again it is the most deprived sections of humanity that are paying that price.

Global Warming Deception

Global Warming from CO2 is a deception, a result of selecting the research, suppressing research, and rewarding researchers for reaching the right conclusions.

If the melting glaciers are due to cyclical global warming or planetary alterations, the meagre efforts of man will have no impact whatsoever.

Global Warming is the manufactured problem, and weather technology is the solution decided upon by the Illuminati for their own geo-political and economic reasons.

From The People Who Brought You 9/11

The people who brought you 9/11 are capable of manipulating weather (weaponized weather modification), without a second thought.

If you buy agricultural commodities futures (rights to buy farm products in the future at a given price ) on stock exchange markets, and then destroy the crop around the world using WWM to raise the price, huge amounts of money are made and famines occur.

There is also as much money to be made following a hurricane as there is in the invasion of a Muslim country.

Depopulation Again

Remember, the ruling minority (Illuminati and Illuminati controlled), think that they are helping their god by killing off surplus population. In this way they justify their depredations.


Chemtrails Over Essex

Independent U.K. chemtrail researchers are documenting spraying activity, which could be affecting our climate and our health, or both. But, try as they might, all is denied by all authorities. I have personally seen chemtrails being created, and so this is evidence from my own experience, a different level of evidence. This photograph was taken over England by one of those dedicated individuals.

No Scientist Dares

Our researchers feel that no top scientist will ever risk career or worse, for fear of becoming one of the 80 untimely, unexplained, deaths within the scientific community that have taken place since 1994.


Bill HR2977

In the U.S. however, after years of denial from their government, military and environmental agencies, Republican Senator Kucinich has brought a bill that acknowledges that chemtrails exist. It is classified as an ‘Exotic Weapon’.

Unfortunately it has been crafted to conceal, not to regulate chemtrail spraying, the same response as in the U.K. If the government doesn’t recognize the technology, the need for legislation doesn’t exist.

Exotic Weapon Or Benevolent Aid?

It seems that the Illuminati want it both ways. Is it an aid to save the Earth from Global Warming, or is it an ‘Exotic Weapon’? A difficult choice for any population to have to make, unless they have been conditioned to see only the benevolent global warming argument, which is what the powers that be are hoping for.

Whether it was Congressman Dennis Kucinich’s intention, or not, weary chemtrail researchers and activists have enough evidence to demand that this, ‘can of worms’ be opened. I can’t wait to discover the contents.