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Weather Channel Founder Files Class Action Suit Against Al Gore and Global Warming

Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media

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John Coleman, the founder of the Weather Channel, has filed a class action suit of which 30,000 scientists have signed on against Al Gore and the global warming "scam".


Coleman's claim is simple. The charge by the Al Gore army stating so-called global warming is caused by you sinful polluters is a "lie". Furthermore, it is a "known" lie by Gore which means "Fraud". The global warming movement has hijacked science making it nothing more than a political ploy for personal gain. Global Warming connected to human pollutants is no more real than 9-11 has to do with Iraq and 'weapons of mass destruction'. It was a lie then, and it is a lie now.

This global warming scam is no less criminal than the Bush regime invading Iraq based on lies. As I have outlined clearly in both books 'Solar Rain: The Earth Changes Have Begun' and 'Global Warming: A Convenient Disguise' -- there will be warming trends and cooling trends. There always has been, and always will be --- and it has very little to do with us.


Listen to the YouTube video of Coleman's interview with Redeye host Gregg Gutfeld. You will see how well organized cabal's really can manipulate the public just as the Bush regime with 9-11 and Iraq. Censorship and intimidation is alive and well. Just think back to March 2003 when Bush invaded Iraq. No one dare yell "what a scam" or else you will be tagged a trader and certainly unpatriotic --- but I did, and received the slings and arrows which accompany such decent. It wasn't until years later when the Bush regime lies came to roost, did voices begin to heighten.


John Coleman Interview Video:


Remember: There is only so much money to go around -- as we are now so painfully aware. The argument that "who cares if it is a lie, we need to clean up the Earth anyway, falls short of well intended motives. Of course a clean environment is in everybody's best interest. I know of "no one" who is against being environmentally conscience. But then here-in resides the "lies" which come home to roost ---


If we throw all our money into the myth of global warming and the "we are all going to die" if we don't make drastic changes in CO2 emissions -- then what happens when "NOTHING" changes in weather and climate patterns? It will be the very same as what has happened in Iraq. We have thrown billions of dollars at an illegal invasion we can't win. And for what? -- NOTHING --- and as for why? -- Because we were "lied to" for no other reason than personal and political agendas.




We are now in a short "cooling trend". Why? -- Because the Sun is in a prolonged 'solar minimum'. But this won't last long. As outlined in 'Global Warming: A Convenient Disguise', most solar scientists believe Cycle 24 (the one we are in now) will be up to 50% stronger than the last (Cycle 23). As we all witnessed, Cycle 23 brought us the largest solar flares and CME's "ever recorded". Note: Although those events were surely note worthy, the Earth has seen solar flares and CME's the size of X-45 and much larger over the Earth's cyclical history --- and it will see it again.


See article: "The Sun Showing No Spots Makes History - But What's It Mean?" for full explanation of our current solar cycle which is expected to produce extraordinary earth changing events.


Also read: "The Battle in Seattle: Global Warming - Fact or Fraud": this article is a transcript of my "live" interview with Dr. Jonathon Overpeck who is one of the senior scientific authors of the IPCC report. You will be amazed at what our so-called climate specialist -- "don't know". You might get a giggle when I ask Dr. Overpeck what he thought of the recent SOHO images showing the 2006 X-Class flares. His answer:  "What's SOHO?"