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Russia Orders Naval Fleet To Port After US Submarine Near Disaster, Mysterious Ocean Anomalies

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscr

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water ‘pools’ occurring throughout the Southern Hemisphere, one of which has now been reported off the coast of Australia, and as we can read as reported by Cosmos Online News Service in their article titled "Mysterious cold water mills off Sydney", and which says:

"A mysterious, huge and dense mass of cold water is milling off the coast of Sydney, baffling researchers and delighting fishermen.

Experts currently know very little about what causes this large eddy or the influence it is having on the ecosystem of the surrounding Tasman Sea.

"What we do know is that this is a very powerful natural feature which [is tending] to push everything else aside - even the mighty East Australian Current,” said oceanographer David Griffin with the government research body CSIRO in Sydney."

These reports also detail the near catastrophic loss of one of the United States Los Angeles-class nuclear attack submarines, the USS San Juan, which after ‘hitting’ one of these massive cold pools sank to near crushing depths and lost all contact with American Naval Authorities.

So serious was this near loss of the American Submarine that Britain’s top submarine rescue unit was put on alert to help the United States Navy, and as we can read as reported by The Herald News Service in their article titled "Scots sent to rescue US Navy nuclear submarine", and which says:

"The Scottish deep-sea rescue team which saved seven Russian submariners trapped 650ft down in the Pacific last year were "scrambled" for a top-secret mission off the Florida coast two days ago.

The 12-strong group from Rumic UK, whose operating base is in Renfrew, was put on immediate standby after the USS San Juan, a Los Angeles-class nuclear attack submarine, failed to make a pre-arranged communications' rendezvous on Tuesday night.

A red distress flare presumed to have been released from a buoy launched by the submarine from the depths had also been reported near the boat's last known patrol position in 1300ft of water.

The lack of contact and the flare report triggered an immediate "Sublook" emergency, under which the US Navy tries to re-establish communications by ultra-low frequency radio signals and begins intensive sonar and satellite searches. When these failed, the US announced a "Subsunk" alert and asked for help from the UK.

Rumic's "Thunderbirds" rescue team was assembled and a C-17 Globemaster flew into Prestwick to carry them and their submersible to the US."

As the United Nations has reported today that our World has just experienced its warmest winter on record, many Russian Scientists remain concerned about the effects Global Warming is having on the vast ice continent of Antarctica, and which new research is now warning that more massive under ice lakes have been discovered and which many scientists believe is providing the ‘lubricant’ needed should mass ice sheet collapses begin.

What remains unknown, at this time, are the exact mechanisms that are occurring which are now pushing these massive Antarctica ice streams into waters of the equatorial regions.

Most curiously about these mysterious events are that many Western Scientists are continuing to ignore the growing evidence that the phenomena of Global Warming is not confined to our Earth alone, and as we can see evidenced by the Fox News Service in their article titled "Scientists Debate Sun's Role in Global Warming", and which says:

"Earth is heating up lately, but so are Mars, Pluto and other worlds in our solar system, leading some scientists to speculate that a change in the sun's activity is the common thread linking all these baking events. Others argue that such claims are misleading and create the false impression that rapid global warming, such as Earth is experiencing, is a natural phenomenon.

While evidence suggests fluctuations in solar activity can affect climate on Earth, and that it has done so in the past, the majority of climate scientists and astrophysicists agree that the sun is not to blame for the current and historically sudden uptick in global temperatures on Earth, which seems to be mostly a mess created by our own species."

To our thinking it seems patently absurd to one the one hand acknowledge the evidence that all of the other planets in our Solar System are heating up, but on the other hand separate our own Earth from it sister planets and say only we human beings are to blame. Then again, no evidence exists that Western scientists will ever report on anything other than what their government masters tell them to.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one. No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]