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Bush Forced To Withdraw Clean Water Act Rollback

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ds from federal protection -- leaving it to under-funded state governments to pick up the slack. But a public outcry -- and fear that LCV and others would use the issue in the presidential campaign -- has compelled the Administration retreat.

Now it's time for the Bush Administration cancel it's plan to let more toxic mercury poison into our air. The Bush Administration wants to alter new rules to triple the amount of mecury we breathe. This decision will continue to put 60,000 unborn children and infants a year at risk of severe neurological and developmental problems from exposure.

Please write to EPA Administrator Mike Leavitt today to insist that they reverse this damaging plan to poison our air. Our pressure made them back down on Clean Water, let's do the same for Clean Air!

More Good News

Protecting Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks got a boost late Tuesday, when a court reversed the Bush Administration rollback. The Bush plan would have overturned a snowmobile phase-out beginning this year. The decision, calling the basis for the Administration plan "arbitrary" and politically motivated, puts the phase-out back on track -- a path deemed by the National Park Service itself to be the best way to protect the parks' environment.

Stay tuned for the Weekly Insider for more details.

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League of Conservation Voters

1920 L Street, NW, Suite 800

Washington, DC 20036
