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Rejected Calls for Water To Be Recognized As A Basic Human Right

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From: béate
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 11:20 AM
Subject: ...........rejected calls for water to be recognized as a basic human right.................
Comment: Interesting how the logic of psychopathic capitalism works. You are a human being. As such, you need water simply to stay alive. But if we recognize it as a human right, then we will not be able to bottle it and sell it to you. Therefore it is not a human right. If you cannot buy it and you incidentally die, that is not our problem.

Next thing you know and they'll be selling us breathing air.

OTTAWA - The Harper government can declare victory after a United Nations meeting rejected calls for water to be recognized as a basic human right.
Instead, a special resolution proposed by Germany and Spain at the UN human rights council was stripped of references that recognized access to water as a human right. The countries also chose to scrap the idea of creating an international watchdog to investigate the issue, choosing instead to appoint a new consultant that would make recommendations over the next three years.

Federal officials in Canada said last week that the government wanted to ensure the meeting's outcome reflected the fact that access to water is not formally recognized as a human right in international law. But a social advocacy group said that the position was designed to protect the right to sell water under the North American Free Trade Agreement.

"Clearly (the Harper government is) happy with the status quo: They're not going to be an agent for change, and they're not going to support the right to water," said Maude Barlow, chair of the Council of Canadians. "About every eight seconds, a child somewhere in the world is dying from dirty water, and it's just shocking that our government has taken this position."

The opposition Liberals supported the government's position last week, arguing that the original UN resolution could open the door to bulk water exports to the U.S. because of NAFTA. ((ht))



Comment: As with most of the information emanating from the Bush Cartel, this is just a cover story. As it happens this is the same date that Israel is planning its largest ever emergency drill. As reported:(...)

And it's no coincidence that Cheney just completed his whirl-wind tour of the Middle East. Something serious is up.


So, looking through the last month's events, following the world leaders, who leave an undeniable trail with the blood dripping from their hands, we are compelled to ask the only question that comes to mind: "What's up?"

Is it possible that with the economy in meltdown, with the masses in the US and elsewhere in the world getting more than a little hostile toward their respective governments, they are coordinating something really big to lock us down, which will cancel the US elections and move things into proper 'position' for what they are all expecting but not speaking about?

It seems that we are quickly approaching "a point of no return", and there are a variety of distractions to keep us occupied and blind. If, however, you are reading this, you are among those who who are not so blind nor so preoccupied to be oblivious to the fact that 'something is up'. And, we need your help to keep this lighthouse lit for the sake of those who are still seeking, out there in the darkness, where the filtered and partially blocked light has yet to reach.  sott focus



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