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Global Warming: Las Vegas & Some 7 States Running OUt of Water in 10 States

Scott Munson

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Do you still have your licenses? (I do.)

Are you guys still selling? (Why?)

Haven't you guys noticed anything? (What?)

1st: Outsourcing. Isn't that one way of moving your business. (Yes)

2nd: The casinos have started moving to Macau (Yes)

3rd: The Dollar is going down (Yes)

4th: Lake Mead is expected to become dry in 10 years. (Yes)

The news said 2021. (Yes)

Does that mean that by 2018 the casinos will still be around?

If those indications does not mean they are ready & are preparing to abandon the USA and leave Las Vegas and all 7 affected states dry, then what would it take to wake you up? China has over a billion people. There they can make more money than they can make here.

This election is not about Clinton nor Obama [nor McCain][both Democrat and Republican Parties are owned and controlled by NWO/Illuminati, Rockefeller faction, just like it owns and controls American govt][NWO-Illuminati always makes it so there is no real choice to voters, and that is why they have all but eliminated through lack of media coverage, Ron Paul, one who would upset their world take-over agenda]: this election has got to be about our future [Even with an honest candidate of integrity and knowledge such as Ron Paul, there is still the Source Code controlled electronic voter ballot boxes to contend with]. Compared to the Top Fortune 500 sneaking out of America, this Clinton & Obama Campaign is a dog & pony show. [The election process and voting in America has been a hoax for decades, only made to look real, but is really just window dressing.] McCain & Huckeybee - is just another proof that US Politics is not about helping the USA. We should be talking about where and how we are going to get water. IF YOU DO NOT THINK 7 STATES WILL NOT AFFECT YOU - ANYWHERE YOU ARE IN THE US MAP - MAYBE YOU BELIEVE TOO MUCH IN SANTA CLAUS. Maybe you believe that our economy will get better if retail sales during Xmas is up and up and up. Get real and think for yourself.

Let me elaborate. Assuming we ran out of water here in Las Vegas and same with all 7 affected states (California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Nevada, Wyoming), where are we going to go? PLUS because of Global Warming, meaning severe winters, the snow birds, where are they going to go? If you did not know, winter in some parts of Canada is normally 6 months. With Global Warming it can become like Alaska. Are we all going to Texas? Will they have enough water for us all? No way.

Global Warming: is it all about severe weather or is it far more worse that what they are willing to declare? What if it is far more worse than what they are willing to declare? Like global catastrophe due to man made activities like oil mining? In New Orleans when they pump out water from Katrina, it went dry. Well what happens when you pump out oil? The space it use to occupy becomes empty. Empty and less weight. Meaning the globe or the planet does not weigh like it use to be and so the planet has to seek its own balance or center of gravity. Is that all? Of course not. Is a vacuum created or not? Is that all? Of course not.

Do you fly the Flag? In the car? If you do - you know what happens? The flag gets torn off the pole. Well in planet earth situation is that possible? YES. Hard to explain but if you will study the Mid Ocean Ridge, they use to call it underwater volcanoes. BUT these volcanoes are like 2,000 miles long by 35 kilometers wide and the bottom is the earths Magma and this melted the north pole. Because the planet moves or rotates on its own axis, the lighter part of the planet most likely is being torn off from the planet. The planet is getting ruined or destroyed. In fact, "getting" is mild description. It is ruined beyond repair. We're a dying species. The human race is dead - no future but to seek a place in space - too late. We're good as dead.

Is there a possible solution? We can try but the way it is going - impossible. I see Ron Paul as the only possible piece who can meet this problem and I don't think the media will let him.;_ylc=X3oDMTJyNWNzbmZlBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE1