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Wyoming Attracting Outsiders in View of Coming Apocalyptic Events

Dana G Smith aka ‘the Watchman’

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ts it or not, the agenda is there.

The wave in the country since 9-11 has been one of foreboding for many. In the government, from FEMA to the White House itself, the rhetoric is that ‘an attack is not a question of if, but when!’. The passage of the Patriot act, the onslaught of more war and violence from Muslim extremists, and the governments lack of protecting borders have many groups and individuals scrambling.

Living as I do in Wyoming, I have seen first hand the influx from California at first, then from other states. This influx is from those who are sick of the lawlessness, crime, vice, and population. There is no safety, no solitude, overcrowding, and it simply makes life too unbearable for many. The result is, as others have done, is to sell their expensive houses, and then move to a state where real estate is not so high. The target for many is the communities in Wyoming for instance.

What used to be small mountain communities, with a homey life style is now gone. In its place are expensive shops, top end real estate, and name brand shops. This describes Jackson Hole, Buffalo, Sheridan, and other areas which are becoming crammed with the Newbie Wyomingites. They see the small sparsely populated state as a target for their needs. The problem with this all happening is that for many in the state as long timers, reasonably price homes are a problem. Finding land is practically out of the question unless you have lots of money now, especially land near the mountains. For renters, that is a large problem as well.

Furthermore, another wave of isolated groupies has now arrived in our state. Coming out of the need for smaller government, personal liberty that won’t bow to the Patriot act, wanting property rights not losing them to domain issues, and the enforcement of the true constitutional agenda the new group is formed. This group, formed out of ‘The Free State Project’ is called ‘Free State Wyoming’.

Kenneth W. Royce aka Boston T Party, is the man behind Free State Wyoming. An American author, Royce is known for his non fiction books, which by the way have a ‘libertarian stance’. 3 According to the Free State Wyoming website, its goals are plain and simple. They are:

To encourage, assist, and reward the migration of liberty-minded Americans to Wyoming in order to maintain and further its relative laissez-faire Western culture; to eventually create a haven for those Americans who desire not to live as, or under, government supremacists. 2

In another article recently in the Casper Star Tribune, the idea of Free State Wyoming is discussed in a homey way. The author of the article took pen and paper to the outskirts of Newcastle and interviewed Free State Wyoming participants.