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India's Prime Minister Slams WEst On Environment

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tate capital, Chennai.

"Equally, developed industrial economies must realise that they too must alter their consumption patterns so that few do not draw upon so much of the Earth's resources."

Experts say the progressive use of primary energy sources such as coal and subsequent unchecked carbon emissions could see temperatures rise by 2-3 degrees Celsius in the next 50 years.

According to the UN Climate Change Secretariat, the top five sources of greenhouse gases are the United States, China, Russia, India and Japan.

Experts say that, as global emissions rise, the Indian subcontinent will be one of the world's regions most seriously affected by climate change, meaning more frequent and more severe floods and droughts, more disease and poor crop yields.

Addressing more than 5,000 scientists, Singh said India's energy security demanded the development of affordable sources of renewable energy.

"We have invested billions of rupees in developing a range of energy sources. Be it hydel (hydro) power, thermal or nuclear power, we have to improve the productivity of investments already made," he said.

New environment-friendly technologies being developed to cut carbon emissions must be shared and made available to all so that the planet could be saved, he said.