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An End to Ambiguity

Don Hynes

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ies such as “right or wrong, who knows” or “beyond the field of right and wrong doing I’ll meet you there” are mis-leading us at a time of planetary crisis.

We don’t owe our decisions to the mystic beyond or to moral precepts inscribed by previous incarnations of the vacuous idiots in the forefront of our present day political and religious structures. We have an inner compass that needs to be entrained by mature and informed intelligence. We won’t get it right every time but it is to this inner certainty, the kingdom within as it was once put, that we must bear allegiance and form our intent in the midst of the chaotic violence that swirls on every hand.

It is true that Spirit will guide us if we but ask. It is true abundant grace and hope surrounds us with the Wisdom of Life. It is true we have a sovereign crown within this vast design that is our own to articulate and express, and the time for that expression, if there ever was one, is NOW.

The very life of our beloved Planet Earth is threatened. The animal and plant kingdoms are being pushed to extinction. The air is fouled, the water poisoned, the land bereft. Our brothers and sisters are threatened with violence and death every day and the forces of darkness conspire against the freedom that was the very premise and foundation of the nation that is now at the forefront of brutality.

I ask you to refer to the documents below. Exercise your sovereignty and personal initiative. Develop solidarity around issues that are critical to your sense of a wholesome future. Form a collective intent with your friends and family, your colleagues and others with whom you share a reverence for life. Express your dedication to the transformation of human consciousness that is essential to our planetary evolution.

Let’s do it together!