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[DrRichBoylanReports] Cabal gets told off

Richard Boyand PHD

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rm coined by my late friend, Dr. Michael Wolf, consultant scientist with the National Security Council's Special Studies Group, the clandestine organization that oversees UFO matters.)

(There would be considerable overlap between the upper-echelon membership of the Cabal, a geoplutocratic dominance-and-control conspiracy organization, and the Executive Committee of the Bilderberg Council, group that makes future plans for the world.)

(The Cabal control and operate the Bilderberg Council, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, their various future-planning bodies.)

The remote viewer was taken to a window-less round building in some part of Europe, where a meeting was taking place. The all-male group was in discussion when the remote viewer saw that "millions of beings surrounded that building from all Earth realms and beyond." In other words, the consciousness-presences of millions of Star Visitors, and of Humans and other Earth species who have been harmed by the Cabal's henchmen's vile deeds and by their multinational corporations' environmental damage, gathered to give a message to the Cabal leadership. The magnitude of that encounter made clear that something very definitive was happening.

It was the follow-up by Star Nations and various Earth species to the 9/29/05 Hearing, [see: ] which convicted the Cabal of systematic and repeated violations of the 11:11 Laws [see: ]

Communication took place telepathically but effectively, because the Cabal-Conviction message had to be delivered formally to the Cabal, and clearly reached the minds of the gathered Cabal.

When the millions of Star and Earth beings present at that meeting "handed a Mandate [to the Cabal] that their time was over," that set into firm place the beginning of a formal accountability period for the Cabal to start paying off the karmic debt they have earned from their long train of misdeeds.

The remote viewer further noted,"Ever since then, I have seen the squirming of the [Cabal] group, trying to get out of the Mandate, but it has been set, and they can't escape it."

Did the Cabal really think that they could evade the (11:11) Spiritual Law of Karma?

(See attached classic illustration about another, earlier Ruler getting the "handwriting on the wall".)

The remote viewer concluded with, "It was an incredible event, and I have had hope ever since witnessing this."


The remote-viewer did not determine the date of this Mandate Delivery, but it obviously took place not too long after the September 29, 2005 Trial and Conviction of the Cabal.

You may be sure that that Cabal leadership did not inform their underlings about how they had gotten the word that the Cabal organization's time is over. The Cabal needs their subordinates dumb and happy, so that they will not desert the organization.

But now this news message, which is being intercepted by many Cabal operatives on the Internet and passed around to their associates, will leave them less dumb and definitely not happy.

My word to these disaffected Cabalistas: it's not too late to desert the dark side and come over to the light. Sincere repentance and reparations will be necessary, of course. But there is definitely no future in the course you have been on.

in the light,

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.