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Sacred Earth - Update from Bill Pfeiffer

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This update is going to my friends and those who know me through my work at Sacred Earth Network (SEN) over the past 20 years. Last year I stepped down as director of SEN and am pursuing an approach to sustainable culture that does not involve running a not-for-profit organization. I am writing to share with you some details of that approach.

1. I am about half way through writing a book on spiritual ecology or "Earth Dharma." The book will articulate a practical, hands-on method for living in harmony with Nature, based on tried-and-true practices of indigenous cultures. It also integrates the best of the "new science" in a way that will have lasting value for future generations. I'm very excited by what I have written thus far and look forward to the book's publication some time in 2011. I am hopeful that the book will catalyze many people to experience both a very old -- and a very new -- way of living, through a variety of experiential educational forums.

This June I will once again be leading The Wild Earth Intensive, a 10 day experiential program that gives people the opportunity to embody the principles I'm writing about -- I hope you'll consider coming.

2. I have started giving healing sessions based on the transformative power of the breath and other shamanic techniques gleaned from working with native people throughout the world. I am convinced that learning how to live in higher states of consciousness, where peace, love, and joy are dominant, is crucial for our evolutionary success as a species. Most sessions will take place in my healing yurt in the beautiful Quabbin woods of Nichewaug (Petersham) Massachusetts. I'm eager to share this work and would welcome healing time with you. Please respond to this email address if you would like to know more and/or set up a session.

3. When the book is finished I will resume guiding people to "places of power" in Siberia, the Southwest USA, and central America.

I will be back in touch when my website is up, where all of this and more will be laid out in greater detail. I hope this finds you in good health, feeling happy and connected.

With much appreciation for your part in the Great Turning( ),


----- Original Message -----
From: sacredearth
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 2:33 PM
Subject: Update from Bill Pfeiffer