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Green Energy and Electric Cars

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Will green energy and electric cars drive a new global climate change plan? Next on "NOW."

Airtime: Friday, October 30, 2009, at 8:30 PM (EST) on PBS (check local listings).

Home to a worldwide summit on climate change in early December, Denmark is setting a global example in creating clean power, storing it and using it responsibly. Their reliance on wind power to produce electricity without contributing to global warming is well known, but now they're looking to drive the point home with electric cars. To do this, they've partnered with social entrepreneur Shai Agassi and his company Better Place.

On Friday, October 30, at 8:30 PM (check local listings), "NOW" investigates how the Danish government and Better Place are working together to put electric cars into the hands of as many Danish families as possible. The idea is still having trouble getting out of the garage here in America, but Denmark could be an inspiration.

Will so much green enthusiasm bring about a "Copenhagen Protocol"? This show is part of a series on social entrepreneurs at work that we call "Enterprising Ideas."