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Victory: Court Ruling Suspends Wolf Slaughter

Suzanne Stone

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I was at home in Boise when I heard the news Friday: A federal judge has restored endangered species protections for wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies. 

The ruling by a district court judge in Montana could save the lives of hundreds of wolves by stopping this fall's planned wolf sport hunting seasons in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.  

I want to thank you for the crucial role that caring people like you have played in this initial victory.

It’s a huge win that couldn’t have happened without the thousands of Defenders activists and donors who have worked to support our efforts here in the Northern Rockies by contributing money to our Wolf Legal Defense Fund, supporting our on-the-ground work and much more.

But we still have a long fight ahead of us.

Idaho Governor C.L. Butch Otter -- who said last year that he wanted to be one of the first in the state to shoot a wolf -- immediately criticized the judge’s ruling to restore protections for wolves. Wyoming’s Governor has vowed that his state will fight the ruling.

Idaho Anti-Wolf Coalition leader Ron Gillette was even more direct, telling a local reporter that "[i]t is going to be all-out war."

Rest assured, Defenders of Wildlife will keep fighting for wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the rest of the Northern Rockies by continuing to...

  • Make the case in court to restore full protections for these endangered wolves;
  • Pay for guard dogs, range riders, turbo fladry fencing and other non-lethal wolf management strategies to keep livestock and wolves safe; and
  • Combat distortions and misperceptions about wolves to build tolerance and understanding for the vital role that wolves play in healthy ecosystems.

Patrick, we have a tough fight ahead of us. For now, please accept my sincere gratitude for all you’ve done to help us save wolves.

Suzanne Stone, Defenders of WildlifeFor the Wild Ones,

Suzanne Asha Stone

Northern Rockies Representative

Defenders of Wildlife Boise Office

P.S. I take pride in know the important role Defenders of Wildlife plays in protecting wolves. If you would like to support our work, please consider making a secure online donation now.

A Big Win for Wolves -- Thank You!

Wolf Pup, black phase (Photo: Corel)

A court ruling issued Friday could save hundreds of wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies by halting planned wolf hunts. You helped make this victory happen!

  • Read the Press Release: Read our statement on the court ruling.
  • Learn More: Visit our blog to learn more about our efforts to save wolves.
  • Support Our Work: Make a secure online donation now to help us save wolves in the Greater Yellowstone region.