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What Global Warming Enthusiasts

Mitch Battros

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Below are seven areas which evidence the true cause of warming and cooling trends. Just as the 1930's "Dust Bowl" cannot be explained by blaming SUV's, de-forestation, or coal burning smoke stacks . . .  today's new 1988 made up name 'global warming' cannot be blamed on stupid wasteful polluting humans. Not denying there are many stupid wasteful people in the world, but that it has very little to do with climate.


As mentioned, I have no problem putting all polluters in jail, and striving for a clean sustainable environment, but it is the LIE presented to us stating it would have measurable temperature shifts.


Remember, we have one shot at using our vast resources. Do we waste it on a "red herring" such as we have with Iraq . . . or do we spend wisely on preparation for 'mass migration' due to natural climate shifts which have occurred for millions of years and will for millions to come. And also focus on sustainable living such as Permaculture.    Consider . . . . . . . . . . . .

Global Warming on Mars . . . Oh Yes It's True


Data gathered by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft suggest Mars climate may have changed significantly in the past, and may be changing quickly even now and may happen over a much shorter time scale than scientists previously thought.


And you thought there were no little green people living on Mars. On a really dark night, you can barely see the gas guzzling SUV's caught in traffic, and the shadow of smoke stacks outlined in the night sky. And when Mars was at its closet point in 60,000 years in August 2003, you could see those nasty little green men chopping down every tree in sight. Bastards!


Just kidding folks. Just using a little satire, but to make a very important point. Although I am 100% behind reducing pollution at every level, I wish to make the point that it has very little to do with "climate". I am a steward of this planet Earth just as you, and I do everything I can to keep our home in order, but it will not stop the current warming trend, nor will it stop the coming cooling trend. As I have said in at least 6 articles prior, we would experience so-called global warming (which is meant to mean "warmer globe) if there were no humans on Earth.


Julian Smith of the Geotimes a subsidiary of The American Geological Institute writes the following. On Mars, the glacial areas are enlarging so quickly that the entire upper layer of the ice cap is likely to be sublimated to gas within a martian decade or two. Because carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, the pressure and temperature of the martian atmosphere may change dramatically over periods as short as a few hundred years.


If enough carbon dioxide is present in Mars' south polar ice cap, it could potentially raise surface pressures enough to result in temperatures sufficiently warm for surface water to exist.


Observations made with the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) were described in a separate study in the same issue of Science. A paper by David Smith, Maria Zuber and Gregory Neumann presented detailed measurements of the   planet's topography and gravitational field suggesting significant changes in the martian atmosphere within the space of a single martian year.


Because it is also tilted on its rotational axis, Mars has seasons like Earth. As its surface gradually becomes darker during the martian autumn and winter, carbon dioxide gas "freezes out" of the atmosphere. Dense dry-ice snow accumulates at both poles, demarcated by a "frost line" that reaches the planet's mid-latitudes by winter. In spring and summer the process reverses.


The paper described how up to two meters of dry-ice snow accumulates in winter, mostly at latitudes above 80 degrees. The authors also reported a tiny change in the martian gravity field reflecting a global-scale mass redistribution. So much carbon dioxide is exchanged between atmosphere and surface -- as much as a third of the planet's carbon dioxide over a full martian year -- that the planet, which like Earth is slightly flattened, actually becomes rounder in winter.


"This is the first precise measurement of the global-scale cycling of the most abundant atmospheric gas on Mars," says Maria Zuber, the deputy principal investigator of the laser altimeter and a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.. "Understanding the present carbon dioxide cycle is an essential step toward understanding past climates."


Malin adds that "Mars may help us decipher how natural climate systems on Mars and the Earth respond to rapid perturbations. The observations, if they do in fact lead to climate changes on Mars, also suggest that natural climate change may completely dominate human-induced climate change. Some people have suggested 'terraforming' Mars [altering its environment to make it more habitable], but our observations suggest that Mars is already experiencing a larger change than humans may ever be able to induce."


As evidence accumulates of significant, ongoing climate change on Earth, severe fluctuations in the martian climate strike closer to home. "There is quite a bit of evidence that suggests that severe episodic, or catastrophic phenomena are much more common in nature than we have thought," Malin says. "Certainly my research both on Earth and Mars strongly points to such processes as being most crucial in shaping the landscape."

Volcanic Contribution


When volcanoes erupt, they emit gases such as carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. This means that it helps to keep the earth warm. In the past, the amount of carbon dioxide released by volcanoes helped to maintain the balance of gases in the earth's atmosphere. However, this balance is now being upset through the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. If too much carbon dioxide is produced, temperatures around the world could go up, leading to global warming.


The sulphur dioxide produced by volcanoes causes the problem of acid rain. When it mixes with water vapour in the air, it forms a weak acid which then falls to the ground in rain, snow or dust.


The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in June, 1990 may produce more effect on so-called global warming than a decade of human pollutants. Airborne debris from Pinatubo has interfered with Earth's natural climate as a result of the plumes of ash, carbons, and metals blow into our stratosphere. Pinatubo's lingering effects will subside after almost a decade of significant influence.


Since 1980, scientists have monitored geologic unrest in Long Valley Caldera and at adjacent Mammoth Mountain, California. After a persistent swarm of earthquakes beneath Mammoth Mountain in 1989, earth scientists discovered that large volumes of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas were seeping from beneath this volcano. This gas is killing trees on the mountain and also can be a danger to people. The USGS continues to study the CO2 emissions to help protect the public from this invisible potential hazard.


Geologists have detected CO2 emissions, like those at Mammoth Mountain, on the flanks of other volcanoes, including Kilauea in Hawaii and Mount Etna in Sicily. Measuring the rate of such gas emissions on the flanks of volcanoes or within calderas is difficult and labor intensive. Readings must be made at many locations using small gas-collection instruments placed on the soil.


A preliminary estimate of the current rate of CO2 gas emission at Mammoth Mountain is 1,300 tons per day. Similar rates of CO2 emission have been measured from the craters of Mt. St. Helens (Washington) and Kilauea (Hawaii) volcanoes during periods of low-level eruptive activity. Past eruptions at Mammoth Mountain, such as the phreatic (steam-blast) eruptions that occurred about 600 years ago on the volcano's north flank, may have been accompanied by CO2 emissions. Scientists think that the current episode of high CO2 emission is the first large-scale release of the gas on the mountain for at least 250 years, because the oldest trees in the active tree-kill areas are about that age.


Under Sea Volcanoes


A dramatic discovery was made at the first site visited. The unmanned submersible ROPOS and its cameras were 1,800 feet deep on the rim of a crater near the top of a volcano when huge yellow clouds of sulfur-rich effluent enveloped the submersible.


NOAA scientist Dave Butterfield, chemist in charge of water sampling, determined that the fluid was very corrosive, with a high concentration of sulfuric acid. The ROPOS operator on the research vessel sent a signal down the long tether line, commanding ROPOS to reverse engines.

At another site, a spectacular, highly concentrated flow of carbon dioxide-rich fluid was discovered. The science team was astonished to see large bubbles floating up from the seafloor around this site when it was disturbed. After discussion, the consensus opinion was that the bubbles were predominantly liquid carbon dioxide. This is a key discovery not simply for the novelty of the phenomenon.


"We found a natural laboratory where the effects of carbon dioxide on marine organisms can be studied," said Steve Hammond, chief scientist for NOAA's Office of Ocean Exploration. The liquid form of carbon dioxide is present due to the great depth, and resulting pressure at the site. At 5,263 feet (approximately one mile), the pressure from the water column is equal to 160 atmospheres.


Solar Cycles


Scientific data clearly shows a symbiotic causal connection between the Sun's solar cycles and Earth's extreme temperature changes. A team led by University of Maine scientists has reported finding a link between changes in solar activity and the Earth's climate. In a paper due to be published in an upcoming volume of the Annals of Glaciology, Paul Mayewski, director of UMaine's Climate Change Institute, and 11 colleagues from China, Australia and UMaine describe evidence from ice cores pointing to an association between the waxing and waning of zonal wind strength around Antarctica and a chemical signal of changes in the Sun's output.


At the heart of the paper, Solar Forcing of the Polar Atmosphere, are calcium, nitrate and sodium data from ice cores collected in four Antarctic locations and comparisons of those data to South Pole ice core isotope data for beryllium-10, an indicator of solar activity. The authors also point to data from Greenland and the Canadian Yukon that suggest similar relationships between solar activity and the atmosphere in the northern hemisphere. They focus on years since 1400 when the Earth entered a roughly 500-year period known as the Little Ice Age.


The ten warmest years since 1880 have been (in temperature order): 1990; 1991; 1988 and 1981 (tied); 1987; 1983 and 1980 (tied); 1989; 1973; 1986 and 1977 (tied). Is it a coincidence that the past six years are among the 10 hottest years ever recorded? Not likely. This list corresponds with high solar activity such as solar flares, CME's (coronal mass ejections, coronal holes all produce severe geomagnetic storms.

Largest Ozone Depletion Caused by the Sun


Dr. Paal Brekke took a few minutes to discuss a most recent event. It was just two weeks ago when a consortium of scientist from the University of Colorado made a stunning announcement. According to Research Associate Cora Randall of CU-Boulder's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide gases in the upper stratosphere climbed to the highest levels in at least two decades in spring 2004. The increases led to ozone reductions of up to 60 percent roughly 25 miles in altitude above Earth's high northern latitudes, said Randall. This decline was completely unexpected, and was caused as a result of chemical reactions triggered by energetic particles from the Sun.


Dr. Brekke's response on so-called global warming: "The original 'hockey stick' which all this global warming was based as brought forward by James Hansen and Michael Mann, is bad data. Whole climate time periods were left out. They erased entire centuries of climate related to the Medieval mini-Ice age. It is now safe to say this so-called "hockey stick" is broken". We quickly agreed that the "climate always changes", and has done so for the life of this planet, with or without humans.


Dr. Brekke does acknowledge it is very difficult to distinguish what percentage is caused by the Sun and what percentage is cause by humans. A general premise would suggest as according to Dr. Brekke it may be 70% caused by the Sun and 30% caused by humans. But this was a general statement made to give an example of confusing hypostasis.


But that is Dr. Brekke's assumption, as for myself and not having the monolith such as NASA breathing down my neck, I easily step forward and say . . .  all current research suggest something closer to 3% to 12% of the current warming trend is human induced. By far the majority of what we see unfolding today and in the near future is 88% to 97% solar induced. There is one area Dr. Brekke and myself more closely agree . . . the IPCC is a "joke" filled with self-centered, self-seeking, agenda driven, cloaked lobbyist who have no vested interest in science. No, what drives this team of fascist zealots is simply MONEY.


The Precession (Earth's Tilt)


A new study reported in the March 24 issue of Nature finds that these glacial cycles are paced by variations in the tilt of Earth's axis, and that glaciations end when Earth's tilt is large. With more than 30 explanations proposed for these glacial cycles, researchers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) looked at the various possibilities to determine a more precise explanation. Some hypotheses suggested changes in Earth's orbit, others that glacial cycles are caused by random climate variability. The researchers found that the most plausible cause was that variations in the tilt of the Earth's axis control the timing of glaciations, acting as a planetary pacemaker of sorts.


The Earth's Core - Magnetic Pole Reversal


Dr. Peter Olson, Geophysicist from John Hopkins University is about to disclose what he believes to be the pre-cursor to a full pole shift reversal. "It has already begun" says Dr. Olson. There is a current event happening near Brazil and Argentina called the "South Atlantic Anomaly". This event indicates a "magnetic pole reversal has already occurred between the Earth's core and mantle in the area near Brazil and Argentina. There are current studies indicating solar radiation has increased to a point causing serious concern for pilots. High altitude flights may be cancelled and some speculation that this region may be closed to flights altogether.


In my telephone discussion with Dr. Olson earlier today had me sitting straight up with eyes wide open as he disclosed the Earth's magnetic field is weakening and solar radiation could become a very real and serious factor. He also explained there is something happening between the Earth's core and mantle that is affecting plate tectonics (Earthquakes), deep mantle plumes (Volcanoes), and the geomagnetic field (Equation).