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SWAT Teams Disperse Crowd Of Hundreds Awaiting Housing Applications

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BOCA RATON, Fla. -- Police in riot gear intervened Wednesday when hundreds of people seeking a chance at subsidized housing grew frustrated after officials ran out of applications.

At least one person was arrested and at least six others were hospitalized for exhaustion during chaos at the Boca Raton Housing Authority some believed would grow into a riot.

Judith Aigen, executive director of the housing authority, said the crowd surged forward when told applications only remained for the disabled. She said mothers with children and people in wheelchairs were nearly crushed.

"We have got a major crisis right now," she said.

People began gathering at the housing authority before midnight, and before long there were far more than the 600 applications officials planned to distribute. Many of those waiting were women with infants or toddlers in their arms, or a baby on the way.

"We're all working people and we're all bitter right now," said Deborah Davis, 37. "To be turned away like this hurts. They should have anticipated having a large crowd."