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Thoth On The California Fires

Through Lois Hartwick

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cipated in the Thoth Series last winter and spring. Feel free to send it friends also willing to participate.

Picture the lower section of the State of California. Fires are raging in many areas. They need to be reduced in temperature. High heat in the lower portion of the state, as well as winds are creating a situation where fire expands.

Step l. Over the state, place a curtain of grey clouds, filled with moisture. Imagine these clouds are wet, in the same manner as a wet cloth would be.

Step. 2. Take the entire blanket of grey clouds and lower them over the areas where fire exists. As you pull them down they will begin to smother the fire.

Step 3. Lift the cloud cover up once the fire is extinguished. Steam will rise. Send golden light to the entire area, concentrating at first on areas of steam for that energy to be cleared. Allow the rest to fall over the Earth, to resurrect life once again.

This exercise must be done repeatedly throughout the day. Yes, you can send this one on to your friends, for it will not take special effort to prior awareness to complete it.

Concentrated energy will allow that which is trapped to rise to the surface and be quickly burned off.

Blessings All


(through Lois Hartwick)
