67 Wildfires Spread Across 10 States In US West
Tyler Durden
The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) reports 67 large wildfires burn across ten parched Western states on Tuesday, and the largest is in southern Oregon, already threatened to cut power to California.
Nearly 918,000 acres have burned in 67 large fires across the United States. New large fires were reported in Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, and Oregon. Type 1 and Type 2 Incident Management Teams are assigned to 24 large fires or complexes. And, more than 14,200 wildland firefighters and support personnel are assigned to incidents.
As record temperatures continue across many states, it's important to remember that we all play a valuable role in wildfire prevention. -NIFC
The fires erupted as much of the Western half of the US is plagued with a megadrought and back-to-back heat waves. This has created the perfect storm of conditions that are fueling dangerous fires.
The largest fire is the Bootleg Fire in southern Oregon. As of Tuesday 1200 ET, the fire has burned 202,000 acres and threaten major transmission lines that feed power into northern California.
California and other surrounding states are plagued with a megadrought, continuing heat waves, water shortages, fears of rolling blackouts, and a fire season that could be one for the record books.
The current US wildfire map shows dozens of fires spreading across Western states.
see ilnteractive map