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May 5, 2015

NY Times: Candles May Have Caused Fire That Gutted Serbian Church, Officials Say



This Sunday just past, May 1st, marked high holy days for two competing forces that have battled for centuries. For Eastern Orthodox Christians (Russians, Serbians, Greeks etc), Easter Sunday fell on May 1st this year -- a rare occurrence for an astronomy-based holiday which is usually set for April.

Also celebrating May 1st, as they do every year, are the atheistic forces of world Communism / Globalism. Though most everyone understands the historical significance of "May Day" to the degenerate demonic Left, few understand that the date represents the 1776 founding of the virulently anti-Christian, pro-Communist "Illuminati" by Adam Weishaupt (cough cough) in the German region of Bavaria. Satanists also regard May 1 as a "holiday." (here)

May 1st, 2016 wasn't big enough for the forces of good and evil to share.


Now that you have been briefed about this important historical context, let's talk about the horrible New York City Orthodox Cathedral fire which Communist Mayor Bill de Blasio's Fire Department and the Sulzberger's Slimes have already closed the book on as "an accident."

From the article:

"Candles that had not been properly extinguished after an Easter service probably caused the fire that swept through the historic Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sava in Manhattan on Sunday, officials from the New York Fire Department said on Tuesday.

'There’s no reason at this point to label it suspicious,” said Francis X. Gribbon, a Fire Department spokesman,

Bob Stopanjac, founder of the Serbian Association of New York, said ... he doubted the fire was caused by the candles. He said candles had been part of the church’s celebrations 'for decades with no fires.'

Mr. Stopanjac's suspicions mirror the infallible conspiratorial animal instincts of my fearless feline sidekick, Sugar. Seriously now, what are the odds of such a massive fire igniting from a well-enclosed church candle on a May Day / Orthodox Easter Sunday of all days? As the church-lady of old Saturday Night Live fame would say...*349/cathedral+fire.jpg

A devastating Easter / May Day blaze in the heart of New York --- total gutting!


But the "coincidences don't end there." The cross-town "conservative" New York Post, among others, carried a story about the fire, and three other fires that took place at Orthodox sites (2 churches, 1 monastery) that same day!

Headline: 'Coordinated Attack Feared After Massive Cathedral Blaze'

“Too many churches have burned to call it an accident,” said Dr. Dušan T. Bataković, a former Serbian ambassador who is now director of the Institute for Balkan Studies in Belgrade.

“It is very strange that it happened, that the fires all took place on Easter, the greatest Christian Orthodox holiday,” he said. “Some kind of terrorist action cannot be excluded.”

In addition to the fire that engulfed St. Sava, churches in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, and in northern Russia were all engulfed in flames just hours after Easter services."

1 - May 1: Sydney Australia, Macedonian Orthodox Church -- total destruction

2 - May 1: Melbourne, Greek Orthodox Church -- badly damaged, viewed as "suspicious"

3-  May 1: Northern Russia: fire rages at Russia’s revered Valaam monastery



Now, before you go and applaud The Post for actually entertaining a "conspiracy theory" regarding the four Easter Sunday fires -- an obvious deduction which The Slimes would not even touch -- read who they are fingering as the likely culprits:

"They are worried that the blaze — along with church fires in Australia and Russia — were set in retaliation for the religion’s role in blocking the canonization of Croatian Nazi supporter Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac — whose potential sainthood has created a rift between Serbia and Croatia, with the leaders of each lobbying Pope Francis.

Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic discussed the issue in a visit to the Vatican in early April, while Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic made his case last September.

Francis decided last week to postpone the ceremony for Stepinac, prompting concerns about potential retaliation."


You see, the "conservative" New York Post doesn't believe that Communists or Satanists or Globalist agents would ever burn down Russian / Eastern Orthodox churches on Easter / May Day. Noooooo. These devilish acts had to be the dirty work of devout Croatian Catholic "Nazis" -- pissed-off because the Orthodox branch of Christianity has allegedly interfered with the Catholic canonization (naming as a Saint) of one of their hometown heroes. Talk about a loony "conspiracy theory", eh?

Hitler and his Croatian Catholic followers shown above will keep on torching Orthodox churches until Catholic Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac is finally canonized!

"Croatian Catholics did it! ---- Ha ha ha ha!"


This one is easy, folks. The Easter / May Day coordinated arson attacks against Orthodox Christian churches are just the latest manifestation of the quiet World War that the New World Order and its agents are waging against Russia and her historic Orthodox allies, and Christianity in general. This is not a good omen.