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Chemtrails To You

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Happy cheers to you, when we meet again!

Most Sincerely

Ron Sease

Chemtrails are aluminum power added to J8 jet fuel to create illnesses. Now sprayed all over the world to genocide six and a half billion people. Makes you sick to depend on pharmaceutical drugs that will kill you so the New World Order can drain you of your money as well.

These photos were taken over Albuquerque, New Mexico as a proving ground using the people as guinea pigs for the last decade.

Chemtrails make clouds without rain.Causes Flu-Like symptoms, a new word in the arsenal of medical science vocabulary.

We are told that Chemtrails are for weather modification but creates droughts instead, like the one of seven years in the southwest of the USA.

Chemtrails will dismantle rain clouds creating drought conditions.

This is how they do it, with DC-10 tankers, painted white, with no markings.

Asthma is the fastest growing disease in the west of the USA.

Photos by

Peter Ekberg


Video is available


(Pics to be added)