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Update: Batelle 'Spray' Plane Explained

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for your answer. It is conducting atmospheric research

I have recently seen a C-130 aircraft operated by the National Science Foundation here in Antigua. This aircraft was based here for more than a month and was testing the "clean" atmosphere on the windward side of Antigua (Leeward Islands of the Caribbean) to use the data as a baseline measurement to compare to polluted areas. This aircraft had identical instrument systems on the wings and fuselage to this Battelle aircraft. I had a very close look and walked around the aircraft several times during operations from the V.C. Bird International.

From Andrew Griffin


After seeing the photos on Rense and Infowars, Pat Carr and I decided to e-mail Battelle's public relations officer, Katy Delaney at the Battelle corporate offices in Ohio. Here was the reply:

Thanks for sending that link and giving me the opportunity to correct the misinformation and inform you about the plane's research use.

The Gulfstream-1 pictured contains devices and probes for aerosol and turbulence measurements. These are not devices for spraying; they are for air intake and measurement.

The plane generally is involved in important environmental studies, ranging from understanding atmospheric processes to determining how long range transport of pollutants occurs.

Please contact me if you have any more questions.


Katy Delaney


From J.T.


Dear Jeff,

I worked for an herbicide company for several years. Most of the planes we used were regular crop duster planes.

They had vessels on board to handle wet and pellet applications. I see no vessels on this airplane. I also do not see any personal protective equipment, or equipment for handling spills, fumes, gasses etc.

These Venturi tubes would normally be mounted away from the body to get an even distribution. They do not resemble any application equipment we used.

A spray applicator plane is basically an airborne water tank. A computer might have found its way into the fuselage since I was there, along with GPS, but this array of computer equipment is way over what you would need to put down a chemical.

Your other letter writer that indicates these are air-measuring devices seems to be on the mark.


From Bob Anderson


So, the Battelle aircraft is NOT spraying anything? BULLSHIT!

There is not a single device on that plane that looks anything like an INTAKE apparatus for drawing in atmospheric samples. The devices depicted on the exterior of the craft are clearly for INPUTTING substances into the air.

I can't imagine what kind of softheaded dudes would fall for the Battelle line spewed by their Public Relations department -- that Battelle is doing atmospheric "research" (i.e. sampling), to assist in protecting the environment.

These Battelle folks have been UP TO THEIR EARS in working with the feds on an uncountable number of TOP SECRET PROJECTS --many emanating from nearby Wright Patterson AFB for a HELL of a long time. Given the current policies of the current US government aimed at WRECKING the global environment to the greatest extent possible in the shortest amount of time, the chances are extremely strong that Battelle is helping them do exactly that. And as pointed out, WHERE are the INTAKE devices? Nowhere.



Bob Anderson



The recent post, with accompanying photos, claiming that the engine shown in the Pentagon 9-11 aftermath was a Pratt & Whitney JT8D is certainly not correct. Nor is the follow-up!

All anyone with any real knowledge of modern aircraft would have to do is compare the apparent size of the engine in the photo with a real JT8D and it would be obvious that the engine in the photo is much larger than the engine they claim it to be. The car provides a nice reference!

And while J. Kaplowitz is correct in his statement that the JT8D was used on the 737... it was ONLY used on the first generation (737-200). And Kaplowitz is again wrong regarding the 727 and the A3D Skywarrior. The JT8D was used on ALL 727's ever built. Yes, it was progressively improved but it remained the JT8D. And the A3D never used this engine at all. The only engine it was ever equipped with was the P&W J75.


From Tom Davis


Re: This quote from Ms Delaney of Battelle -

"The Gulfstream-1 pictured contains devices and probes for aerosol and turbulence measurements. These are not devices for spraying; they are for air intake and measurement."

This poses the obvious question: What 'aerosol' measurements are being taken? Someone is undoubtedly measuring and monitoring the chemtrail spraying. This looks like the perfect platform to do so.


From John Goldsmith



I was curious what kind of air samples could be taken when the instruments are so close to the engines.

I know that the airspeed would cause a tunnel affect but you would think the air would still be somewhat polluted by the exhaust.

Airline Jet Mechanic Agrees On Engine Identification


From: Name Protected


Jon, I am an A&P mechanic for a major airline. I overhaul 767s.

I can tell you - categorically - that the landing gear IS from a 767. However, the engines are NOT from a 767. No 767 in existence uses CFM56s. Not enough power to lift a '67.

Those engines on the street in New York did NOT come off of a 767.
