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Help For Chemtrails

By M. Emily Cragg

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ave you noticed--People seem to feel nothing makes a difference anymore--everywhere. It's so odd. NOTICE--The USGovernment acts as if they have total immunity from all criminal statutes.

WHY? HERE's WHY. . I just realized this problem is very real where I live in West Virginia. We get sprayed overhead with chemtrails about once a week, and the electronic signals keep me awake about two nights a week with my heart pounding and skipping. I'm super-sensitive because I have adrenal disease [kpheochromocytoma], so I'm like the canary in the mine. I sense everything first.

America isn't getting it that a police state is in the works. Americans aren't sure what's real or what's just an image--due to changes in brain chemistry caused by barium and aluminum salts in the air [positively ionized air]. Especially, those who keep inciting us all to patriotism and a return to the Constitution, aren't getting it, but are beating their heads against a Wall of apathy. WHY? Because the action of barium and aluminum powder on the human brain to cut the amino acid pathway between reality and unreality, so the brain remains perpetually in a beta-state. In order to put America in a constant beta-brain-state, unable to relax into alpha or theta states [coordinated reasoning], America's air is positively ionized at the whim of the Defense Department.

Quote--We are surrounded by air that contains both positive and negative ions. By breathing in different ratios of ions; animals, insects, fish and people are greatly affected both physically and mentally. The full moon increases positive ion ratios, which accounts for the strange and aggressive behavior noted by Police and medical services. Studies show that 75% of the population is noticeably and adversely affected by positive ion ratios, while increased negative ions tend to have a calming influence on these same people. UNQUOTE this is a superforce article, and I have two articles archived at and %20and%20Mind%20Control.htm

I used to sell air ionizers in my health food store; and so I used a negative air ionizer in my home for years. Thus, I am aware of the difference between an alpha-brain state and a beta-brain state because I was able to regularly induce the alpha state at will. It's a small inexpensive appliance; I don't have it anymore; I've gotta find a new one. These chemtrails and the electronics that are associated with them, are killing me..

If the USCoverment is making it impossible for our human brains to reach alpha or theta states so we can think things over rationally, they have gone over the line, in terms of thought control. If you don't believe how real this is, then go ask your child a rhetorical question and tell me the response you get! It'll be a blank stare!

EVERYONE WHO IS SUBJECT TO CHEMTRAILS is constantly in "compliant" "detail" mode, and they can't help it. And so, that is why they are not listening to anything that requires complex or conceptual thought or judgment. They spray out simple judgments because thinking deeply is too HARD to do in a perennial beta-state, chemically-induced. Most people are not listening to conspiracy sites. They can't get their brains to function except to process detail, detail, detail, in a brain beta-state. And that's what HAARP does: massive population brain control, from a distance.

And that's why the Administration does not expect or get much resistance. Few of us can resist the constant positive ionization of the air, and relax ourselves and think.

Fortunately, some drugs help relieve brain tension; so does just plain wine or beer, nicotine, meditation, bliss tapes, brisk walks. But, how much of these chemicals can a person USE to undo the effects of positive air ionization? Just look at the suicide rate, the accident rate, the death rate, the chronic disease rate.

Pray, People. There's gotta be a way out of this; but I don't know what it is right now, except prayer. Think about the implications of what HAARP is doing to the minds of our population; WHY it is that a criminal Administration is a ho-hum subject of conversation; HOW it is that a potentially nuclear war is just another item of news without any particular VALUE attached to it. Please think hard. NOBODY CAN WORK FOR PEACE WHO CAN'T THINK WITH BOTH SIDES OF THEIR BRAIN! Chemtrails and HAARP interfere with human brain functions!

Yours in faith and hope,

chaiyah [M. Emily Cragg,, yahoogroups/abidemir

B.S., M.A., George Mason University, 1993
