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Seeing Through The Clouds: A Chem Trail Update

by Lisa Guliani

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of journalistic information, both investigative and scientific in nature, involving Chemtrails. On February 28, 2002, Mr. Thomas made his sixth guest appearance on the Art Bell Radio Talk show known as "Coast to Coast AM" to discuss new information he's obtained regarding this controversial and disturbing issue. Thanks also to Art Bell for having the courage to address topics such as Chemtrails, when no one else in the media would talk about it. Those of us who have seen them know we are not suffering from some mass delusion.

As you will see, the veil of secrecy is slipping away and what we are left with is nothing but a soft, white underbelly of lies, deception, illness and death.

When I first heard that William Thomas was going to be on the Art Bell show "Coast to Coast," I got very excited. I have been following this subject closely, and have read all of his research to date that is available on his website. When Art Bell proclaimed that Mr. Thomas had NEW information pertaining to chemtrails, my personal radar sounded a mental alarm. I awakened promptly at 1 am and began taping the entire show - four hours.

This is what I learned from William Thomas about Chemtrails, in case you missed the show:

Direct quote from Mr. Thomas: "Clouds regulate temperature and make the planet habitable. When you alter cloud cover over a region, you change the heat balance over a region - you change the weather."

Samples of rainwater falling through Chemtrails revealed the following components:

- a very fine, very high percentage of quartz;

- carbon black >> used for weather modification

- aluminum particulates which were 7 times higher than the standard set by Ontario, Canada

- 550 people signed a petition and took it to Ottawa to go before Parliament to have chemtrail activity STOPPED.

Also appearing as a guest on Art's show was a correspondent from Rhode Island, S. T. Brent, who played two tapes of separate interviews with an anonymous informant known as "Deep sky," who is a senior air traffic control manager at a large airport. "Deep Sky" spoke under conditions of anonymity due to fears of potential termination and to protect his family. His voice was also altered for the interviews.

Basically, "Deep Sky" told S.T. Brent:

- Around Christmas 2001, he began noticing that his radar was degraded, which means there was reflective material on a wide area of his screen. He noticed this happening on more than one occasion.

- When this radar degradation occurred, and he couldn't identify what he was looking at on the screen, nor find out from higher-ups just what was going on in the sky, he began calling different air traffic controllers around the country asking questions.

- He asked these controllers at airports such as O'Hare, all 3 NYC airports, LAX, San Francisco, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Fl. Hartford, Dulles, and Washington, D.C if they were experiencing similar radar degradation and if they had been informed as to what was going on.

- Every radar operator (air traffic controller) told "Deep Sky" that they had been directed to divert air traffic to accommodate "routine military experiments being done with radar and that their radars would potentially be degraded because of this experimentation."

- The diverting of regular air traffic to lower altitudes has been noted by "Deep Sky" from as far back as Christmas 2001. There is high probability that it was occurring prior to that date.

- The air traffic controllers were told that this was being done due to the terrorist attacks on September 11th, which is now considered a smokescreen.

They were told that these were barium experiments, and this was why the radars were showing abnormal data. This was questioned by the controllers, as barium enhances radar, and doesn't obscure it. So, this story didn't jive with the radar operators involved.

These air traffic controllers have expressed grave concerns over the chemical fallout of chemtrails and the possible health effects associated with them. "Deep Sky's" wife is of concern because she has developed Sudden Onset Acute Asthma when she had no prior history of respiratory problems. The air traffic controllers want to know what's up there in the sky. They know the "stuff" of chemtrails falls to the ground, and as one put it, "It's not something you want to be breathing."

The story then changed shortly afterward from "experiments with barium" to "experiments involving climate," and this is significant since the story-line switched during a time (the last three consecutive months) when we have experienced the warmest temperatures ever recorded in modern times. These have been the warmest on record since 1895, when temperature documentation first officially began. It has been well noted that temperatures have shown significant increases around the globe.

Mr. Thomas also spoke about a proposed bill introduced by Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, which is now effectively dead and in a drawer: HR2997. This bill would have banned the use of chemtrails and similar activities had it passed. Interestingly enough, when the bill reached committee, all references to chemtrails and similar activities were stricken from the bill. The bill was rewritten as HR3616. Another interesting note: Representative Kucinich heads the Oversight Committee of Armed Servies, including such such projects as "X-Files," which includes chemtrails.

The congressman from Ohio has given one interview to a reporter on this. When asked why chemtrails were removed from the first proposed bill, HR2997, he said that chemtrails were removed from the bill due to "unspecified pressure."

Mr. Thomas also informs us that the Department of Defense has a department called "Vision 2020," which is involved with developing advanced weaponry based on the technology of Nicola Tesla. After Tesla's death, Wright Patterson Air Force Base obtained all of his papers. Tesla's theories are being developed (or have been already) into weaponry for the purpose of "full spectrum dominance of earth, sea and air."

The Air Force has notoriously called Chemtrails a "hoax." Remember, too, that the Air Force has bragged about "owning the weather by 2025." Let them keep talking and lying. Then we'll know who to blame when the shit really hits the fan. The way it now looks, The U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, Department of Defense (DOD), our President and his administration, and potentially other government agencies are involved in spraying this poisonous crap over unsuspecting populations around the world.

Ask yourself, why are the polar ice caps melting so fast?

Why are many areas of the U.S. experiencing an increase in seismic activity recently?

Why are we experiencing the warmest temperatures on record?

Why are State College, PA. and other cities across the nation experiencing drought conditions?

Mr. Thomas answered one particular question I had regarding a prismatic, rainbow-like patch I saw in the sky above where I live on Monday, February 25th, 2001. It was a large patch in between chemtrails over my head. The entire sky was blanketed that day from spraying that had been implemented during the previous night. The chemtrail formations were criss-crossed the following morning, and the fake rainbow appeared amongst the "cloud" banks.

Mr. Thomas explained, "A second program" being carried out by the military involves something called Barium Stearate Iron. It is used to "propagate radio waves over the horizon." According to Thomas, "The stearate part is a soapy substance which has excellent gelling properties, lending to the characteristic "rainbow" in the sky. The stearate is a very reflective substance. It creates clouds at extremely low humidity, and when enough of this substance is dispersed, it soaks up all the available moisture, causing drought."

Hmmmmm ...drought, drought ... we have a drought right here in State College. Why haven't the Accu-Weather meteorologists been thinking along these lines? Do they not have brains? Connect the dots: Chemtrails cause drought, we have drought ... Maybe the meteorologists aren't looking up at the sky? I am amazed at how many people do notice the chemtrails, but even more astounded by the number of people I've spoken to who haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary at all going on in the sky. Some of these people are in the media. Shame, shame ...

Thomas went on to say that THEY are inducing a condition called "ducting" in which the chemtrails form antennae anywhere in the world, tuned to specific frequencies. He says the Barium Stearate (the soapy substance that looks like a rainbow) holds the chemtrail formations (chemical antennae) together. Remember, the stearate gels. Neato ...

By using this mixture in combination with a special computer program, the military can see terrain in multiple dimensions. They are also able to detect atmospheric conditions and hide aircraft via this method.

I thought it was interesting to learn that chemtrails have been used in Afghanistan. In fact, there are actual pictures of chemtrails coming out of Afghanistan. This is where HAARP comes in. In researching my next piece about HAARP, I have been thinking seriously about the possible connection between HAARP (Hi-Frequency Active Auroral Research Project), which is a bunch of specialized antennae, each with their own transmitter, which beams hi-frequency radio waves up into the atmosphere. I will not delve into HAARP in-depth here, as it will be the focus of my next article. In relation to chemtrails, HAARP has been used in Afghanistan to assist in the location of caves.

The CIA, says Thomas, is flying drone aircraft over Afghanistan. The drones are equipped with Hellfire missiles. According to Thomas, "if a drone ends up killing Osama, then chemtrails will have played a major part in that hit."

Speaking of HAARP, Art Bell spoke about his friend in Anchorage, Alaska, who is an employee of a rocket range there. He related that this friend reported that HAARP "people" have been desperately trying to get high altitude rockets launched so they can figure out what's wrong with their "pattern". The rockets would disperse barium into the atmosphere, supposedly enabling this re-mapping to be re-done. The focus of radio frequency energy is not "what they thought it would be." In other words, they have no fucking clue what they're doing! How many chances do they get? They aren't playing a Nintendo game. This is the ATMOSPHERE we're talking about. Inestimable damage may have already been done while they've been kicking the ionosphere and making us sick as hell.

Apparently, they have miscalculated their coordinates and need to re-map the magnetic lines over the poles. Oh my, they don't know how to play with their toys ... But hey, you can still sleep soundly at night, even though the Office of the Navy stated (according to NBC News, a week before September 11th), that they were going FULL POWER with HAARP.


This is an emormous amount of energy. No one knows what will happen as a result of such tremendous amounts of hi-frequency radio waves tearing holes into the atmosphere. Because that's what it does, this HAARP project. It rips holes in our atmosphere. There is a definite connection between Chemtrails and HAARP. As Art Bell put it, "It's like doing brain surgery with a steak knife."

Another item of interest: All air traffic was grounded on September 12th due to the massive terrorist attack on our country. All planes except those operated by the military were grounded that day. On September 12th, the same day, there were 9 military flights in the sky that left chemtrails in their wake. These particular chemtrails "fanned out over 5 hours, covering 24,000 square miles, dispersing particulates to saturate the skies."

So, I guess we may presume that THEY can spray this poison shit over 24,000 square miles of sky in five hours time with just nine planes. Many folks report seeing more than nine planes spraying simultaneously. As I mentioned in my previous chemtrails piece, THEY intend to dump 10 MILLION TONS of this shit on us. We're breathing it in all the time. More and more people are becoming sick, and the illnesses are lingering for months - and KILLING US.

People are wondering, too, if there is a connection between Chemtrails and the mysterious rash "epidemic" that is being reported all over the United States. Could this be caused by what we're breathing? One man just died from this weird "rash". It spread from his back to his stomach (many report getting it on their inner and outer thighs), then the rash began to bleed and he experienced tremors. He was treated with four different antibiotics, then died two weeks after being admitted to the hospital. His initial cause of death was "renal failure." Four weeks later, they are still trying to determine the ACTUAL cause of death.

How long are we going to put up with this bullshit?

How many of us need to become sick and die?

Is it really worth the enormous risks to our planet and our people to let THEM play with this technology which they don't even understand (APPARENTLY) well enough to use properly and safely?

Tell me, if you can, how the HELL will we be able to survive without an ozone layer? How many tears can it sustain and still be functional to protect us?

Figure out for yourself why the polar ice caps are melting so quickly. The excessive heat used to "boil" the atmosphere via HAARP might be the cause.

While our government keeps us polarized and distracted with smaller, less consequential matters and feeding us misinformation by the platter, we are missing the bigger picture. We're missing our blue skies. Chemtrails and HAARP need to be STOPPED before it's too late.

As Will Thomas says, "It's better to get a wake-up call (from the media) while there is still a little bit of time to do something about it, rather than from Mother Nature herself ..."

Hey, America: It's time to WAKE UP.

Endnote: At the conclusion of Art Bell's show this morning, his wife passed him a note which said that what looked like a hot air balloon was hovering above their home. The powers-that-be don't like people who discuss what they're doing with the rest of us.
