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Chemtrails and SARS Are Connected!

From: John Rappoport

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Thomas points out that this whole aspect of chemtrails originated with the infamous Dr. Edward Teller, who estimated that spraying the atmosphere with reflective particles would turn back the sun’s rays and avert global-warming consequences.

Of course, excess aluminum would impact on the respiratory tract.

And I have had numerous reports, in the last year, of chemtrails over Toronto, which is in the province of Ontario.

So naturally, we can expect that at least a few of the people being labeled as SARS are actually dealing with aluminum fallout.

Time and time again, in these pages, I have pointed out that a germ is a great cover story for illness really caused by chemicals.

One has only to investigate giant chemical companies like Dow, Du Pont, Monsanto, Aventis, ICI, Bayer, Hoechst, and Novartis to realize that the cover-story apparatus is sprung in-house, so to speak.

All these companies have pesticide divisions and GM food divisions and pharmaceutical divisions.

First they poison, then they help “identify” diseases, then they develop and sell drugs to treat the diseases “caused by germs.”

Nice neat package.

Chemicals poison; the effects are labeled a disease; (toxic) drugs are sold to kill the germs causing the disease.

It’s a closed loop, and even some of most radical environmentalists don’t grasp the trickery.

To point out a slightly different example of such a scam---how many people who ingest toxic fluorides in public water supplies are later diagnosed with arthritis, osteo-this and skeletal-that and THEN are treated with toxic medicines?

The closed loop starts with a chemical and ends with a chemical.

Highly touted so-called germ epidemics, like SARS, have the general effect of focusing the public attention away from chemicals and on to “real disease caused by germs.”

Think about how easy it is to launch a secret medical op using a chemical. You deposit it in a local area. People get sick. You draw up a list of vague and general symptoms. You label this list with a new disease name. You organize a small group of avaricious virus hunters, who follow arcane and moronic principles to discover a new germ that is causing the outbreak. Toxic drugs are then used to treat the disease. To kill the germ.



June 6. For some time, dear reader, I have been trying to get on the late-night Coast to Coast AM radio show and talk about the Virus Hunters and their fraudulent work. These days that work is called SARS.

Coast to Coast has millions of listeners. For a short period, I was a regular on the show, when Hilly Rose sat in for Art Bell.

I very much want to expose the real deal on SARS to that audience. Maybe you can help. Maybe you know someone who knows someone. Maybe you can collect people and send the show a fax or an email. Put on your thinking cap and let's see if we can wage a revolution against the White Coats who are waging war against the populace.

If you've been reading this site for awhile, you know I have the goods on these people, and I have spotted the holes in their so-called research. My archive link on this page will give you access to all my SARS articles, if you need to get up to speed.

We have a chance to do something here. Last night's show from Toronto was a good start. Let's create some momentum.

I know, I'm not supposed to make such a bald request in public. I'm supposed to play it cool, work through inside connections, and all that. But I'm way past that. I just don't care. The truth is there for anyone who cares to look at it. SARS is a hoax from top to bottom, and that hoax has brought devastation to many people.

What do you say?



JUNE 6. I was on a radio show last night broadcast out of downtown Toronto. The Lenny Bloom Cloak and Dagger show.

It was a rip-roarer, and on an AM station. For an hour, by phone, I was given the chance to lay out the case against SARS as a phony disease launched as part of an economic terror op against Canada.

I announced that a class-action suit against WHO and CDC and complicit Canadian officials is in the planning stage.

Many thanks to the show’s two hosts and the people in Canada who paved the way for my appearance.

There is now an email address for people who want to: get further info on when I’ll be going to Toronto to give a talk on SARS; who want to provide information (whistleblower-type) on the SARS scam in Canada or have stories about their own economic devastation suffered at the hands of the phony SARS promoters; who want to join in on the class-action suit.

It is

If a few corporate heavy hitters in Toronto (who have suffered economic losses) and some opposition-party politicos sign on to a suit, the press in Canada will cover it.

This is a window of opportunity to expose the chronic liars within the virus-hunter clique that has fabricated science.

A sample list of demands for information from these WHO/CDC virus hunters:

Prove that you actually isolated the coronavirus you claim is causing SARS.

Prove that the virus is causing human illness.

Expose all your research data to independent neutral scientists.

Provide medical statistics culled from every case of suspected or probable or definite SARS, including recent (toxic) flu shots, prior medical history of disease or toxic reaction to medical drugs, and treatment for SARS with drugs such as (toxic) steroids and (toxic) Ribavirin.

Explain why you have ignored repeated statements from your top SARS scientist in Canada, Dr. Frank Plummer, who, for example, on May 1, told a SARS summit in Canada that he was now finding the coronavirus in ZERO percent of SARS cases. This BURIAL of this incredible revelation makes you culpable and open to very serious criminal and civil charges.

In particular, reveal your complete data on the use of the PCR test in identifying the so-called coronavirus in SARS patients. Prove that your chains of inference were valid and based on solid premises---as opposed to being mere guesses.

Explain how you can say this virus is causing illness when, in fact, if it appears in patients at all, it is present in such small amounts as to be negligible and irrelevant.

Prove that you are doing more than simply re-shuffling ordinary flu and pneumonia under a new meaningless label, SARS.

That would be a start.

Once the ball starts rolling, I think I will be able to bring some scientists into the fray. The investigation. Scientists who do not accept baloney on the run.


