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"Probing the Chemtrails' Conundrum" by William Thomas

William Thomas

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In the representative words of eyewitnesses across 48 states:

 "I watched a clear blue sky become criss-crossed with the white trails from many jets. The sky then became overcast, in spite of the forecast calling for sunny weather. I felt stunned as I witnessed this event.'

 "One morning I saw so many, I almost had a car accident. They were X-ing, probably 50, 100 of them, as far as I could see. Lots of Xs and parallel lines. Definitely not normal air traffic.'

 "They look like they're playing tic-tac-toe up there. You know darn well it's not passenger planes."

 "These contrails do indeed behave differently from the usual contrails made by jets. They don't dissipate right away. They like linger, hang there. But they were so heavily concentrated that I just about fell over."

 "Everywhere from horizon to horizon, as far as I could see above the trees and buildings, perfectly parallel streaks or stripes of clouds...'

 "I am under the understanding that we have regular flight patterns. This, however, broke all the rules, as these patterns crisscrossed one another over a dozen times."

 "Real jet trails are not as low as these.'


Why are people who have lived next to airbases and airports most of their lives, or who would not normally give a contrail a second glance, stopping their cars and hauling family members and neighbors outside to point cameras and camcorders at sudden concentrations of aerial trails they instinctively recognize are not normal contrails?

Why are formations of grid-weaving jets suddenly appearing over communities unused to seeing air traffic? How can these overflights be explained as "scheduled air traffic" when they abruptly cease, only to start up again weeks later?

According to Canadian and US aviation officials, pencil-thin contrails normally form above 33,000 feet and usually dissipate within less than a minute, like the wake behind a ship. In contrast, the broad white plumes known as "chemtrails" are often spread by formations of tanker-type aircraft, far below commercial airliners, that even in colder upper-air leave short-lived con-trails or no contrails at all.

Commercial airliners prominently display their airline logos, "colours" and registration numbers. Spray aircraft of the KC-135 and KC- 10 type, observed through binoculars, are painted white and carry no identification markings.

Interestingly, CIA aircraft are painted white. According to security personnel, their late-night departures and arrivals at major US airports are not entered in tower logbooks.


Contrails do not make people sick. Yet many observers have become ill within 48 hours of watching chemtrails form. A metallic, oily or corrosive smell and taste has also been widely reported in the wake of chemtrails.

"Spikes" in emergency room admissions match by date and location reports of heavy "spray days". Last winter, during 15 consecutive weeks of what the Centers for Disease Control called "epidemic levels" of pneumonia and upper-respiratory illness, hospital admissions across the US jumped up to double the normal peak-flu. season rates, even in states reporting a "mild" flu season. MDs across America told the New York Times and other newspapers:

 "This is the worst crisis I have seen."

 "Respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses are filling up the beds."

 "We know there's a lot of sickness, but our diagnosis shows that it's not the flu."

 "We don't know what it is or where it came from."

Often degenerating into double pneumonia or asthma these severe "flu-like" symptoms lingered for months.

In November 1999, residents in heavily sprayed areasincluding Arizona, Virginia, Tennessee, Oregon Washington state, New Mexico, Colorado, California Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois Idaho, Maine, Michigan, North Carolina and southern Vancouver Islandwere also complaining of extreme] severe headaches, stiff necks, fatigue and joint pal Other symptoms associated with heavy spraying include disorientation, depression, inexplicable anxiety and inability to concentrate.


Tests done in 1998 and 1999 by government-licensed laboratories on cobweb-like filaments, gel-like material and a red powder dropped by aircraft over Washington state, California, Oklahoma, Idaho, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Espanola, Ontario, have identified: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Streptomyces, Enterobacteriaceae, Serratia marcescens, human white blood cells, a restricter enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA, Enterobacter cloacae and other bacilli and toxic moulds capable of producing heart disease and meningitis as well as acute upper respiratory and gastrointestinal distress.

After my colleague, health researcher Erminia Cassani, brought in samples of a gel-like material obtained from a thoroughly splattered aluminum-sided home, a shaken head-biologist at an EPA-licensed lab wanted to know where we had obtained this "biohazard material".

Normally taking three or four days to grow in a Petri dish, Cassani's bacteria-laden sample "flowered" less than 48 hours after being cultured. Stating that "it was all over the plate", the lab staff said they had never seen anything grow this quickly.

Less than two months later, the owner of the splattered home and property suffered a heart attack caused by bacteria eating the walls of her heart.


The recently revised US Code Title 50, Section 1520 states that the Secretary of Defense may conduct tests or experiments "involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population" if they are related to research activity.

The law also stipulates that biowarfare tests can be carried out on Americans only if Congress is notified 30 days in advance, and "only if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human subject in advance of the testing on that subject".

There is plenty of pattern and precedent to suggest that clandestine biowarfare experiments are routinely practiced on the American people without their informed consent. As recently as 1997, 61 secret tests sprayed the residents of Minneapolis with germ warfare simulants over a period of several months. Respiratory illness increased sharply in the sprayed areas.


Could widespread aerial spraying be an attempt to inoculate us against an undeclared biowarfare threat?

After looking at the evidence, one MD decided: "Aerial spraying of a vaccine would be exceedingly inefficient. Cost would be prohibitive. That is why I do not think the mass secret immunization theory is plausible."

Or as my colleague Cassani puts it more particularly: "Pseu. fluorescens is a 'dud' when compared to biowarfare agents. It would do absolutely nothing to our immune system to inure it against a bio-attack."

There is no indication that air-delivered vaccines are yet in production. And none of the immune-weakening pathogens identified in samples of air-delivered cobweb-like material or gels can be construed as an antidote to germ warfare.

William Thomas is the author of the new book entitled:


Information on how to obtain this book is available on this link:

William Thomas' WebSite:

Copies of PROBING THE CHEMTRAILS CONUNDRUM can be obtained from the author by sending a donation of $25or more to

William Thomas

S-27 C-52 Gabriola Island,