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Poison Sky: Chem Trails And What You're Breathing

By Lisa Guliani

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unlit days, it is becoming more and more commonplace to find strange things going on up there. Forget, for a moment, the lovely shade of blue before your eyes and notice the jets streaking across it in peculiar formations. Notice, too, the long white ribbon trails they leave in their wake - trails that puff and expand, forming a blanket that within hours completely obscures the pristine blueness above.

What are these odd trails in the sky?

Well, they're not the usual condensation or "contrails" we have all seen following aircraft. A typical jet contrail occurs when "hot air from the engine collides with cold air found at higher altitudes of at least 30,000 feet." This collision forms ice crystals, or contrails, which disappear within minutes because they evaporate. The reason they evaporate is because they are just water. While we do see these contrails often, they do not linger in the sky, especially once the aircraft has disappeared from view. Contrails are released from the engines on the wing tips of the aircraft. Since they are composed of water, they pose NO threat to humans, animals, or the environment.

Chem Trails are something completely different from contrails. Chem Trails are an aerosolized spray of chemicals dispensed from foggers found on the tailbooms of aircraft. The long, dense white ribbons extend from horizon to horizon. They linger in the atmosphere for several hours, during which time they expand and puff out into banks of heavy, dark cirrus-like cloud layers that form a gray haze across the sky. These unnatural "clouds" form X's, O's, or grid patterns.

Chem Trails are sprayed from jets that have been positively identified as Boeing KC-135's and KC-10 air-to-air refuelers. Until very recently, no one knew who exactly was doing all this spraying activity. Now, according to watchdog William Thomas, it is confirmed that the U.S. Air Force, Boeing, and the U.S. government are working in conjunction with cooperating allied nations to carry out secret military experimentation (chemical spraying events) over densely populated areas, unbeknownst to the public. This spraying activity is being reported by alarmed citizens of at least 14 other nations.

What's the big deal?

The big deal is that we are being poisoned by the aerial fallout of Chem Trails. You need to know that the spraying game is occurring over urban populations - that's right, my city and yours - and the games being played in the sky are far more dangerous than tic-tac-toe. These spray events are actually dispersing dangerous, poisonous particulate matter into the air we breathe. And we DO inhale it. As Chem Trail "clouds" disperse and descend, their contents descend with them. You're not going to like the rest of this, but you need to know what's going on.

What is being sprayed in our skies?

For starters, it has been determined that Chem Trails are composed of an oil-based agent that quite often leaves its mark or "signature" upon impact with earth. This is typically reported as a brownish gel or goo and has been found splattered on structures, vehicles, vegetation, streets, etc ... EPA lab analyses have found samples to be "teeming" with protozoa and bio-hazard material. The chemicals being released are extremely questionable and toxic to humans, animals, crops, and the environment. Chem Trails soak up all available moisture in the areas in which they are sprayed, which may explain why State College, PA. is experiencing such a nasty drought this season. We are being sprayed here weekly. Some areas are sprayed on a daily basis. The spraying is causing widespread atmospheric disturbances, such as strange horizontal snowstorms and other unpredictable weather-related phenomena.

But wait, there's more.

Who is responsible?

This is characterized as a massive geo-engineering "experiment" being conducted by the U.S. Air Force, allegedly for the purpose of "climate modification". Let's hearken back to an arrogant statement made by the U.S.A.F. in which they informed us that they intend to "own the weather by 2025." I suppose they intend to do so at the expense of the lives of the general population - the global population.

It is said they already "own" the jet stream.

The story goes like this: THEY are trying to reduce global warming by creating a "sunscreen" and releasing aluminum oxide particulates into the upper atmosphere. These are reflectant particles that act as little mirrors which are supposed to 'bounce back" incoming sunlight, with an anticipated result being a reduction in the global warming process. The chemicals are dispersed via the Boeing aircraft previously mentioned and an aersolized spraying mechanism. This spraying has been occurring for a few years now, and the powers that be have recently stepped up their efforts and increased the frequency of this activity - everywhere. Multitudes of Chem Trail events have been reported from frightened citizens worldwide - to no avail. The media is curiously disinterested in what is going on. Funny, isn't it, how selective the media can be in what they choose to inform us about?

This is a sensitive time in America, and many people become quite defensive about anyone speaking out on issues that cast our government in a less than a glowing, light. I'm not insensitive to this. I lost 24 friends to the WTC attacks. But face it. Just because we had a huge tragedy on 9/11 doesn't mean that our government officials are now suddenly transformed into saints. There are indeed lots of things going on behind the scenes - and above your head. I love this country, but I will continue to speak out. This information needs to be made public knowledge. Many others know that Chem Trail spraying directly impacts humans, animals and the environment in a very detrimental way. This has been a deliberate, intentional action on the part of the U.S. government and the U.S. military to keep the populace in the dark as they push forward their secret agenda. They have not asked for the consent of the people whom they are spraying with this poison. No one's asked me - how about you? We have become, in essence, "lab rats" in their experiments. If memory serves me correctly - there is nothing new about that; is there?

What is being released?

This is a very interesting question with REALLY disturbing answers. In two words: POISON and DISEASE.

Aluminum oxide powder has been found in analyzed samplings collected immediately following spraying events. This is the reflective matter mentioned above; it is the ideal size (10-100 microns) for deposition in the human lung. And guess what? That's EXACTLY where it ends up: in your lungs and mine.

Add to this a liberal FEAST of fungi, viruses, and UV-mutated bacteria, all of which, according to Thomas' investigations, reside normally within the upper atmosphere. These added "passengers" attach themselves to and "ride" the unnaturally formed Chem Trail "clouds" full of aluminum oxide and assorted toxins down to earth, where they are unceremoniously dumped onto anything and everything below. That's you and me, babe. As a matter of fact, the air we breathe today is DEADLY. Yes, "deadly" sums it up perfectly. Check out the list of ingredients for yourself.

Chem Trail aerial fallout has been found to contain the following:

-- Molds, including a 'Black Yeast"- known to cause upper respiratory illness in humans;

-- Pseudomonads, which are dangerous pathogens that can survive a broad-range of temperatures and also resist anti-microbial treatment modalities. These most definitely pose a serious threat to humans and cause a host of symptoms being reported by scores of folks seeking a doctor after spraying activity occurs. These agents also thrive in wet and humid environments. Pseudomonads notoriously infect people with compromised immune systems (or not) - causing respiratory infections. Certain strains of Pseudomonas are patented by the Pentagon for "bioremediation" purposes. Call the Pentagon and ask them what the hell THAT means. According to Thomas, there are 163 of these patents ... Continuing on ...

-- Streptomyces, which is a fungus, and causes severe infections and has been used as a component in some antibiotics, as well.

--Bacteria that is known to cause ear infections (owww ...)

--More than 15 toxic petroleum products have been positively identified in one sample collected directly after a spraying event. Toulene and Styrene were two of the agents named in the sample.

Ethylene Dibromide (EDB), a BANNED pesticide that is used as a fuel additive has been a major component. This substance is a carcinogen (CANCER-causing agent) and also contributes to very serious respiratory infections. EDB is dangerous to humans, even at low level exposures. Words like "infectious agent" are used in reference to EDB. It is also said that Ethylene dibromide is (get this) "too hazardous for use on friendly test populations." So that's what we are: a test population. Ahh, the life of a lab rat. One would hope to get a kiss if one is getting screwed, eh? Hold your breath, because I'm not finished yet.

Also identified in Chem Trail aerial fallout samples:

Serratia Marcescens: (collected March, 1999) - which causes lung infections that result in pneumonia;

Enterobacteria, which causes gastrointestinal illness;

Incidentally, E. Coli and Bacillus glogigi were two agents sprayed over the UK population years ago. They cause pneumonia and lung disease.

Symptoms reported by people seeking medical attention after concentrated spraying activity include, but are not limited to:

- nosebleeds

- meningitis

- asthma

- upper respiratory infections

- increased arthritis symptoms

- lethargy

- fatigue

- all-over body aches

- feverless "flu"

- persistent hacking coughs that linger for months

AND, many people have already proven susceptible to the worst consequence of breathing in the aerial fallout of Chem Trails. These people are now DEAD.

Why is the public not being informed?

Excellent. I'm so glad you asked. The answer is obvious, even to a lab rat. Because it's ILLEGAL. Consider this: (in regard to biological testing) -

"The Secretary of Defense may conduct a test or experiment ONLY if informed consent to the testing was obtained from EACH human subject in ADVANCE of the testing on that subject."

More laws being broken in regard to Chem Trail activity:

- " The U.N. Environmental Modification Convention PROHIBITS large-scale environmental manipulation;"

- "Using aircraft to pollute the atmosphere also violates many air regulations and environmental laws;"

- "Conducting large-scale aerial spray campaigns without informed consent of an affected populace violates the most fundamental Nuremburg principle." Unless I'm mistaken, GLOBAL spraying would be considered large-scale.

Some of our more rabid lab rats (the lawyers) are tearing at the bit to file a massive lawsuit against Bush, Boeing, and the U.S.A.F. in order to have all of this Chem Trail activity stopped. It's nice to know lawyers are good for something, isn't it?

Meanwhile, hospitals around the world report being filled to capacity as people seek medical attention within days of Chem Trail spraying in their areas. Think about this: The U.S. government and U.S. military employ some of the "brightest bulbs" in their fields. Their personnel are many of the most specialized and most skilled in their disciplines. Do you really believe these people could be "unaware" of the inherent risks and dangers posed by the repeated release of toxins and pathogens into the atmosphere? I'm sorry, but I don't think they can claim ignorance on this one, despite their stonewalling and denials. They know damn well that the chemical particulates they're dumping on us are being sucked into our lungs - and our children's lungs.

They are fully aware of the mass potentiality of disease within populations and the inevitability of death in many due to the inhalation of all this poison. What? Was air pollution not bad enough before? Populations worldwide are being detrimentally affected by Chem Trails. THEY KNOW THIS. Still, with this knowledge, THEY intend to dump 10 MILLION TONS of this poison "sunscreen" into the upper atmosphere, and into us.

This REEKS of deliberate, diabolical intent. Worse, our government and military here in the U.S. (and forgive me if I hurt your feelings here) - apparently do NOT CARE what we, the American citizens, think about this illicit activity. If they cared about us at all, why haven't we been invited into an intelligent discussion on the possible use of this technology? Why? I'll tell you why. Cover-ups are what they're good at, what they're used to doing. We are nothing more than a generation of sacrificial lambs to be exploited in their massive experimentation. We're just lab rats. We all know what they do to lab rats. Besides, the only one I ever heard talk to rats was that guy from the movie, "Willard." And look what happened to him ...

How do YOU feel about being used as a lab rat? Are you content to sit and hold your breath indefinitely? Well, it's been proven that that is an impossibility. You have to breathe at some point. The citizens of Canada have taken a strong stand against U.S. initiated spraying in their country. They are demanding accountability and answers from their government and they want this activity STOPPED. This is really a no-brainer.

I believe we should follow suit in the U.S. Speak out. Pass this information along to everyone you know. Take your congressional representatives to task. Demand answers. I mean, what are we paying them for? Force them to do their jobs. Do not accept denials and stonewalling. There is enough documented photographic, laboratory, and textual evidence to corroborate that this is really happening. Laws are being violated at your expense and mine. Speaking of expense, U.S. tax dollars are being used to facilitate Chem Trail operations to the tune of at least $1 Billion per year. A drop in the bucket to THEM - a fortune to the rest of us. So now we're funding our own murder. We don't even get to choose from the "Cause of Death Menu" being provided. Ask yourself - is this how you want your tax dollars spent?

Keep your eyes on the skies ... you may never see them in the same way again. I urge you to pass this information on to everyone you know.
