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Hopi Message to the World: "Unite and Arise for Survival"

By Michael Irving

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ected by the Hopi to take the Hopi message of warning to the 'House of Mica / Glass' on the eastern seacoast of North America. Thomas discovered the House of Mica to be the United Nations building in New York.

When I had arrived on the outskirts of the westernmost Hopi settlement, three days before, the son of Qwa David stopped my car, and invited me to come and meet Qwa David, and later to go to the Kiva.

In the Kiva, when the dozen or so men standing a crescent-shaped line turned around 180 degrees, I pretty well fell off my seat. Later I seemed to get the message that what I saw was that events on Earth could be turned around from the course of disaster we are presently on, to a good direction.

After the Kiva ceremony, in the dark I drove east across the mesas and after a few miles I turned off the road to sleep the night in my car. In the morning, when I got out of the car I walked straight into the Hopi prophecy stone, showing the two routes humanity can take. During my whole time on the Hopi Mesas I continually got north and south mixed up, as if I had lived there before when the Earth's poles were the other way around.

I have always believed, since approximately that time -- early 1987 -- that my purpose was to try and help the world take the good turning, as seen in the Hopi Kiva ceremony. In effect, to help carry on the work Thomas Banyacya was dedicated to -- the same work many are today dedicated to.

What I am writing to you about is the pretty obvious fact that 100s of planes are drenching the USA and many other countries in very unpleasant chemicals. The so-called, 'Chemtrail Spraying', or, 'Chemtrails'.

There seems to be substantial warning of this mass world pollution and poisoning in Hopi teachings.

For several days, usually in the night, around three years ago, I kept having the feeling I had to go and look at a Hopi website... a website I had not visited for some time. Eventually I followed the intuition, and I found these words by Hopi elder Dan Evehema:

"We will see A HALO OF MIST around the heavenly bodies. Four times it will appear around the Sun as a warning that we must reform, telling us that people of all colour must unite and arise for survival, and that we must uncover the causes of our dilemmas. Unless man-made weapons are used to strike first, peace will then come."

I have always believed this warning to be the final Hopi 'Navohti' warning to Humanity.

The time of the warning of "the halo of mist" around the Sun has already begun, this was reported in mid 2002: <<< 'Rare solar halo creates awe, fear in South Florida' ---- ---- Posted May 17 2002, Friday afternoon's spectacular ring around the sun left some observers in awe, others in fear. The phenomenon, called a solar halo, generated thousands of phone calls to area planetariums, newspaper, TV and radio newsrooms and the National Weather Service in Miami. >>>

I believe extremely nasty, covert weapons are being presently used against all life on Earth.

It is also reported Hopi elder Dan Evehema has said this:

"The time will come when from the earth will arise a mystic fog which will dilute the minds and hearts of all people."

More and more people are experiencing mists and fogs, and rains and storms, that are full of unpleasant smells... odours of chemicals, pesticide-like smell, and so on.

This is the global 'Chemtrails' spraying operation.

Crazy Horse, too, apparently, warned of trails in the sky that would cause 'The Great Dying'.

And plagues falling out of the sky, that have come from vials or bowls (test-tubes? mixing vats?), are described in the Book of Revelation as causing immense disease and death across the Earth. The Book of Revelation also says that the things in the air that deliver these plagues and poisons will have "the sting" in "their tails". This matches what the 100s of spray planes are doing.

It is very good uniting people in peace, and in peace declarations and commitments, etc., however, it seems that this evil poisoning of Humanity by planes spraying noxious substances on us will only be stopped by a united effort of all peoples, saying, "This must stop".

I believe those who I am telling this to who find this hard to believe will see in something like a year's time that many millions are dying from the Chemtrail operation, but the time to act is now - I believe. Because in many month's time it may well be too late to take action. We may pass the point of no return. For the many who have already died from this villainy, it is too late.

But it may not yet be too late to change the direction the world is going in.

I hope you will help unite people against this great evil. And I hope you will ask everyone you know to also unite people to stop this mass poisoning of Humanity, and poisoning of all life on Earth, while we still have time.

"We will see A HALO OF MIST around the heavenly bodies.... as a warning that we must reform, telling us that people of all colour must unite and arise for survival, and that we must uncover the causes of our dilemmas. Unless man-made weapons are used to strike first, peace will then come." --- Hopi elder, Dan Evehema

These covert and overt weapons are being used, and we are being advised to unite, and to stop them, "for survival".

Thank you.

Michael Irving, 21st December, 2003 Isle of Man, British Isles
