Edward Morgan
by Edward Morgan
April 16th 2018
Watch this 1hr 9min talk by Clyde Lewis: https://vimeo.com/259936808
Clyde Lewis puts out shocking information in this excellent talk on chemtrails and geoenginering! I noticed Chemtrails in 1996 and reported them on my own site at the time and also sent laboratory proof to the DrudgeReport – the biggest website at the time. I thought Matt Drudge was real because of the information he put out on Monica Lewinsky in the 90s. Boy that was sure a joke! He never responded to any of my emails nor reported on Chemtrails as most of you probably realize. Tweet this information to Trump @potus and @realdonaldtrump and send it everywhere you can to wake up the people!
Clyde puts out much information I wasn’t aware of in this video of a chemtrail conference. Some of the topics covered are as follows:
Since 1999, sales of Energy Drinks have gone up by over 5000% because people don’t have enough energy! This is a direct results of the biowarfare agents being sprayed on us!
Chemtrails contain substances which are changing our DNA! Biowarfare was planned and performed not the American population using Project Naomi and Project Cloverleaf! It still goes on every day while the fake news says chemtrails don’t exist! The Chemtrail biowarfare project is classified under national security.
During the early stages of the Chemtrail program they used to run TV commercials with a number to call if you had the flu. This was done to track the spread of the biowarfare agents the US government was spraying on us! Tamiflu was developed as an attempt to stop the Chemtrail flu that was making many sick and killing some!
The US government sold Saddam Hussein a bioweapon he used on US troops and this is what gave our soldiers Gulf War Syndrome!
They even tried aerosol vaccinations in 1996 but it only made things worse!
Clyde also covers a lot of information on HAARP and geoengineering and who is behind it.
In the documentary “Under Our Skin”, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt says “We have never in the past five years a single MS patient, a single ALS patient, a single Parkinson’s patient who did not test positive for Borrelia Burgdorferi. Not a single one.” This Borrelia Burgdorferi is a corkscrew bacteria called a spirochete.
I believe every single person has been exposed to these spirochetes. I now sell the only bioavailable copper that kills those spirochetes! It has helped people with severe Lyme disease as you’ll see in the video below. It’s done amazing things for me and people I know. The inventor believes they are spraying these spirochetes on us or putting them in our food supply because everybody he tests has them in our blood. They rob you of your energy and destroy your immune system because the spirochetes hide inside the red blood cells and your body can’t get rid of them! This bioavailable copper tags these spirochetes and the white blood cells can then gobble them up!