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Donald J. Potts

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Nov. 17, 2014

I am one of several military veterans that is trying to help awaken mankind. Please share this information with as many people as possible using Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Email, or whatever. This is hard evidence and 100% proof of chem-trailing. These 4 pictures and 7 videos are 100% proof that chem-trailing is TRUTHER information and not a conspiracy theory.

The Illuminati are chem-traling the world for a combination of three different reasons: 1) to poison the populations of the world as in genocide, and to cause cancers, brain problems (Dementia (aka Senility), Alzheimer's Disease, Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS), Multiple sclerosis (MS), Morgellon's disease (nanobots), brain cancer, & many others; 2) to put up cloud covers to hide celestial events such as extra planetary bodies coming into our galaxy [think Planet X system with brown dwarf sun, planets such as Nibiru, and their moons], and to hide large space crafts in our atmosphere; and 3) to re-terraform planet earth to cause global warming & to create a warm acidic environment which both would benefit the Reptilian race which is the actual race that currently rules the earth. Below are 7 links that will absolutely prove that chem-trails are 100% real. They are not a conspiracy theory. Yes, the government denies they even exist, until they can't deny them under oath & penalty of perjury, then they say they are for weather modification only to help it rain. Chem-trails are used by the Illuminati and the United Nations for nothing but evil purposes. Please watch these 7 videos so from this day forth you will always know that chem-trails are real, and that chem-trails are nothing but BAD, LIFE THREATENING, and GENOCIDE OF THE HUMAN RACE. Also, please bookmark the 7 videos linked below so you can always find them again, they are all the proof you will ever need to prove to all of your family & friends, AND every person that has ever called you a Conspiracy Theorist, that chem-trails are completely real and you are a TRUTHER & not a conspiracy theorist.

NOTE: The term Spray and Pray in the military means to spray as much firepower down range as possible, and pray it kills as many of the enemy as possible. In this scenario the negative military units and CIA Evergreen Air are spraying chem-trails and the enemy is mankind for genocide purposes.

The chem-trail planes are operated by the USA negative military units, and the CIA Evergreen Air. Both of these elements are 100% under Illuminati control.