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Dane Wiginton: Chemtrails Based Geoingeneering is Spiraling Out of Contol of It's Creators


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March 16, 2013

During interview on CTC (03/13/2013) researcher and activist Dane Wigington spoke of the role of chemtrails in global geoengineering effort that has caused that 20% of the sun's rays no longer reach the surface of the planet, and that we now breathe air, and drink water full of heavy metals, while plants are shutting down because of soil contamination. Of course, except the plants that are genetically modified to tolerate such soil.

He also described creation of artificially induced snowstorms at temperatures are above freezing, and said that geoengineering could activate climate feedback loops that begin to feed on themselves, eventually creating a hellish climate like that of Venus.

According him NOAA scientist told him that they are aware of these programs but afraid to step forward. Wigington believes there is a panic in the power structure because those who created these programs now realize that they cannot control their further developments.

PS I live in Hawaii. I have NEVER SEEN SO MANY CHEMTRAILS as I have seen in the last few weeks. ALL FOLLOWED BY (RARE) bring what EVER THE HELL they are spraying to the ground!. Like clockwork! We dont SEE the planes that spray it here and feel it must be drones or planes that fly VERY HIGH (out of sight and sound) because when we wake up the CHEMTRAILS are just there! Its creapy and obvious. Feel like a rat in a cage!