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A Dire Appeal to our Military Brothers and Sisters (Geo Engineering)

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March 14, 2013

Ecosystems Collapsing Due to Geoengineering... This is very crucial information. If this madness cannot be stopped, there will be no future for anyone. Please share far & wide and make your own research - sharing is caring - Parsifal

Those of us that are fighting desperately to raise awareness on the dire issues of SAG and SRM (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and solar radiation management) wish to send a most urgent plea to the honorable members of our armed forces.

Please, please, investigate SAG and SRM and the total global decimation these toxic aerosol spraying programs are causing.

Though we solute your service to this country, and fully believe that the vast majority of our armed forces are engaged in service that they believe to be right, and for the common good of our country, in the case of SAG and SRM, such a notion could not be further from the truth.

Again, we who have investigated this lethal issue, and the total havoc the spraying is causing around the globe, plead with you to do the same.

Please, please, investigate the aerosol geoengineering issue.

For those in our armed forces that may actually be involved in these deadly spraying flights in some way, we desperately ask that you consider what you are involved with.

What you are doing to the air you and your loved ones are breathing.

What you are doing to the planet you and your posterity will need for your future survival.

Though we who are struggling to raise awareness on this issue admit there are dire challenges in the world, and climate change being one, all available science and testing makes crystal clear that SAG and SRM are completely devastating our biosphere from top to bottom.

We most sincerely hope you will examine the data below for a start, an then continue your investigation into the most dire issue of the global spraying programs that are SAG and SRM.

Ecosystems Collapsing Due To Geoengineering ◕ Dane Wigington w/ Jeff Rense 03.06.2013

Subject: 10 “bullet” points regarding geoengineering <—read more of this article

1. Global aerosol spraying (SAG and SRM, stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and solar radiation management) are literally poisoning all life on earth day in and day out.

Every breath we take contains ultra fine toxic nano particulates in the 10 nanometer range.

Such minute particles are extremely damaging to the respiratory and neurological systems and can not be filtered out with any readily available filtration mechanisms.

They are so small that they penetrate straight through the lung lining and into the blood stream. There, they can adhere to cell receptors like a plaque, slowly but surely damaging our health and bodily functions such as the immune system.

The particulates are also a platform on which fungal proliferation runs wild.

Recent studies state 70%+ of all current plant and animal extinction is now caused by fungal infection.

2. The protective layers of the atmosphere, most specifically the ozone layer and the ionosphere, are being shredded by the aerosol clouds.

This renders all life on planet earth exposed to dangerous levels of radiation.

The science on “particulate clouds and their effect on the ozone layer” is very clear.

Such clouds destroy ozone.


UV levels are already increasing dramatically around the globe.

3. SAG and SRM have very likely been major contributing factors to the current methane “planetary emergency” now occurring on the East Siberian Shelf. 

This emergency, as stated by the research scientists involved, is the massive methane expulsion from the sea floor.

Methane hydrates have now reached a temperature which will no longer allow its former retention in hydrate form on the sea floor.

This warming of the oceans has been fueled in large part by the spraying.

Though SAG and SRM can achieve significant cooling anomalies over large areas, it comes at a cost of a far worse overall global warming.

The gravity of this methane event can not be overstated.

4. Saturating the atmosphere with geoengineering particulates “diminishes and disperses rainfall”.


The excess of condensation nuclei causes moisture droplets to adhere to these nuclei and thus droplets do not combine and fall as precipitation, but continue to migrate in the form of artificial cloud cover.

This is one of the reasons SAG and SRM cause devastating global drought.

5. SAG and SRM are causing “global dimming” on a scale that can hardly be comprehended.

Current figures are averaging in the 20% range globally, but in some areas, like Russia, the total amount of sun that now reaches the ground is some 30% less than only a few decades previous.

This reduction of sunlight further amplifies the currently occurring global droughts. Sunlight is a major component of evaporation.

6. SAG and SRM greatly reduce wind flow.

Again, wind is a major component of evaporation. The science regarding aerosol clouds and their effect on wind is well documented.

7. The SAG and SRM particles are “light scattering” materials.

This alters the light spectrum and will likely cause many, and as of yet unknown, negative effects on all life forms.

Blocking out the sun alone is of extreme concern regarding photosynthesis, but when one considers the fact that the light which does get through the toxic particulates is in altered wave form, the concern is much greater still.

8. Soils and waters are quite literally being poisoned day in and day out and thus sterilized by the highly toxic fallout from SRM and SAG spray programs.

The totality of damage already caused by this fallout could never be quantified.

9. “Bioavailable” aluminum, now in nearly every drop of rain falling around the globe, is very harmful to most plant life.

When the organisms detect the contamination, they shut down nutrient uptake to protect their DNA.

This can cause a very slow and protracted death of the organism.

The effects of “bioavailable aluminum” are also well documented.

A point of interest is the fact that Monsanto is engaged in the production of “aluminum resistant” seeds.

10. All global weather is being effected by these spray programs.

At this point, there is little or no weather that could be considered “natural”. Again, there is no way to even begin to quantify the damage being done to all life on earth by SAG and SRM.

However when one considers the current extinction rate, which is now 1000 times “natural variability” (100,000% of normal) it is impossible not to connect the issue of SAG and SRM to the mass die off once the impact and gravity of these programs is well understood.

Staff Writer

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