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A Wake-up Call for those Chem-trails in our skies

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Oct. 18, 2012

Dear Valued Friends and other Critical Thinking People,

I,  myself, had a good look at the poison being spraying over our heads on this day, Oct 3, 2012, as I was driving north towards L.A. on the 405 Fwy., and said to myself ", looks likethe   Chemtrail Program  has just received new-funding, cause they're back to old tricks again." 

(Below, please open video clip, "Heavy Chmtrl Spraying, Oct 3")

    I find it interesting, if not very alarming, that most people- when you alert them to what is going on , just shrug and say  "nah, no harm ..

just contrails from Jet Exhaust"  Even though I may try to explain to them that Jet Exhaust vapors disappear in less than 5 seconds, while the crap that is being laid out above continues to billow out, and form strange clouds that grow to very large un-natural  trails...   

     Ahh, Yes..  the particles that descend to the ground below, and are breathed in by all of us , are composed of Aluminum and Barium, in addition to other poisonous substances, all of which are ingested into our bodies, and begin their job of destroying our natural immune system  making us susceptible to many  diseases, many of a fatal nature..   

Because people don't fall ill or die right away, most of the un-informed folks think that the chem-trail clouds are harmless...< /em>besides, didn't our government tell us that they are beneficial to mankind, as they are supposedly preventing the over-heating of the planet during this time of so-called Planetary menace, 'Global Warming'  .. It's all another huge hoax perpetrated on the people by the Zionist NWO and our own subservient  Government. (becoming more Marxist each day)

        As a public Service ?, I'm sending this on to more friends, most of whom are sensible and logical  thinking individuals.. 

         Yours Very Truly,

         Peter Rogers

         San Clemente, Calif)    yes,  we are sprayed here in our beautiful little city, too!

          P.S. Seems that on

Saturdays, when I am working at my job outdoors here at U-haul, the Chem-trail   activity is severe overhead... Sundays?  Not Much.. I guess the devil ( Arizona Based Chemtrail spraying planes) needs a day off, too. .


                    I curse like a sailor whenever I look up and see the man-made caca raining down on us..

October 3, 201 2.. Chemtrail Terrorism over Antelope Valley, Los Angeles County, California. (3:47 min video)

and this:

Heavy Chemtrail Spraying in Los

Angeles, Oct 3, 2012 ( 1:31 min video)

one more of great importance to include:

~The Great Culling-Official Air Trailer`death from the skies !!!