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Danger Chemtrails Rain Killing Trees and Plants

Revealed by A Truth Soldier

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Aug. 22, 2012

Below you will see photographs from the Halifax Nova Scotia area of horriffic damage to all plants and trees from the chemtrails rain.

Go hug a tree and have a close look at the leaves.. Then feel them.

The trees and plants flash died. They are dead and their colors are black, brown, yellow and even green. Yet the leaves are without life.. or moisture.

These photos were taken starting at the beginning of July before the hot days came and before the drought started.

You can learn much more by reading the note on the images below.

Go to this link for the complete downloaded able photo series. Click on first image then click on image and options will pop up.

There you can download the original huge hi resolution images. Then you can magnify those images up to ten times to see the really small details.

You can share and reuse these images for non corporate use only..

Chemtrails Sunset