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CHEMTRAILS: Covert Immunization Program or Surplus Population Reduction?

Jim Marrs

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For more than 3 years now, I have heard widespread reports of aircraft leaving cross-hatching chemical trails in the sky. Being a former award-winning aviation writer, I initially wrote these stories off as reports from persons unaccustomed to the common vapor trails left in the wake of high-flying aircraft.

But now I’m not so sure.

The other morning from my front porch I watched as several jet aircraft, at least two running parallel, created tic-tac-toe patterns in an otherwise cloudless North Texas sky. I would estimate these craft at somewhere around 20,000 feet. The trails spread outward, blended, and within two hours had created a hazy cloud cover with only occasional patches of blue sky. By afternoon I was wheezing and experiencing a shortness of breath.

Most interesting was yet another jet at a much higher altitude, no less than 30,000 feet, which also led a sharply-defined condensation or vapor trail. In this case, however, the trail dissipated and totally disappeared as expected from evaporation in low humidity of North Texas. This was a true vapor trail. But what about the lower ones?

This experience brought home to me the claims of many people across the country who have reported large military-type aircraft leaving crossing trails which blend together into a cirrus cloud cover and settle to earth.

Such reports have been coming in from all over the continental 48 states for more than three years now and some of the stories I had heard came to mind. One came from a producer friend, who early in 1999 stood on a Hollywood set and watched a large tanker plane make several trips up and down the California coast leaving a trail which coalesced into a hazy cloud which drifted over Los Angeles. This was clearly not a normal point A to point B flight.

Another story came from a retired police and military pilot in Oklahoma who witnessed KC-135 and KC-10 military craft crisscrossing the sky near his home in mid-January. Later he became ill and learned from his doctor that the local hospitals were overflowing with patients suffering from flu-like symptoms. Checking with his former National Guard unit, this man was told that no one knew anything about the craft and their trails but that they had been ordered not to fly in the area of the craft on the days in question.

Even more worrisome was the report from the owner or a large Funeral Home near Dallas-Fort Worth who said deaths this February were twice as high as the same time last year with no sign of waning. Most of these were elderly person suffering from respiratory ailments. Doctors report an increasing number of respiratory ailments and one pharmacist I know told he had not seen such widespread respiratory problems in his more than 30 years of experience.

Washington reporter Mike Blair wrote in January that what has been dubbed “chemtrails” is actually “anti-bacteriological warfare chemicals being tested by the federal government.” Some of Blair’s sources told him that the covert spraying is being conducted by the super secret Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), a charge the agency’s director has denied. Considering the objections raised by members of the U. S. military who last year were ordered to undergo Anthrax inoculations coupled with the prospect of public panic, it has been theorized that the government is attempting to covertly immunize the general population. It has been reported that this program gained it legality from US Code Title 50, Section 1520, which gives the Secretary of Defense authority to order testing “involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population” for research purposes.

But this theory fails when the chemical composition of the chemtrails is considered. Last April, samples from these chemtrails were analyzed by a facility in Victoria, British Columbia, which is licensed by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and found to contain in addition to JP-8 jet fuel (possibly the carrier medium which contains the additive ethylene dibromide, banned as a pesticide due to causing severe respiratory reactions even at low levels) numerous pathogens, disease causing agents. These included Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, which not only causes respiratory infection but also attacks the immunization system; Serratia Marcescens, an antibiotic-resistant bacteria which causes pneumonia, endocarditis and meningitis; as well as Streptomyces and molds capable of inducing heart disease, upper respiratory and gastrointestinal ailments.

Could this covert program be behind the Nile Flu and other respiratory outbreaks which reportedly are resisting normal treatment? And what is it’s true purpose? It seems clear that if this toxic stew of pathogens is intended as an immunization, the cure might be worst than the cause.

And when in history has an entire population been unknowingly poisoned by its own leaders while footing the bill for such an outrage?

And don’t look to the corporate-owned mass media or this year’s crop of presidential hopefuls to give us any answer to these questions. They’re too busy verbally attacking each other, bashing the Second Amendment and arguing over the Confederate battle flag in South Carolina, you know, all those big issues.

PS. Speaking of the Second Amendment (the one that gives Americans the right to own firearms, remember?), here are some intriguing statistics:

The approximately 700,000 physicians in the United States cause about 120,000 accidental deaths each year resulting in 0.171 accidental deaths per physician. The 80 million U. S. gun owners cause 1,500 accidental deaths each year representing 0.0000188 accidental deaths per gun owner.

These numbers must mean either that a doctor is approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than a gun owner or statistics can be skewed just about any way one desires.