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Biological Testing in Mexico

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----- Original Message -----
From: LN
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 9:56 AM
Subject: : So Much for the Vacation/please read
Biological Testing in Mexico

On Wednesday afternoon a massive low level chemtrail was seen all along the coast of Mexico. Most unsuspecting people paid no attention until the next day when the virus hit. I was one of those people. The air had a terrible smell, was hard to breath that evening followed by a slight headache, then a rapid onslaught of diarrhea, projectile vomiting, and fever. It has all the earmarks of the Nor Virus. We all know who is behind the chemtrail program which goes all the way up to our beloved commander and chief and his N.W.O. handlers. The bankster sellout, the escalation of war and now attempts at forced medical shows just who is controlling the strings. There is no deviation from the last presidents policies despite the plethora of broken promises. There is a saying follow the money if you wonder who is to gain from these epidemics look at the stock holders for the supposed cures and symptom relief. Rumsfield and other high level officials have major stock investments in Tama flu, the H1N1 virus was traced back to Baxter labs the very people chosen to provide the antidote.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt the war and disease profiteers are behind these outbreaks and the American People need to wake up fast. These deadly clouds are coming soon to your neighborhood. This is not just a another conspiracy it is the obvious. Look up in your skies, look at your health, your neighbor's health and check out the snow packs they are laced with aluminum oxide, barium, strontium, far beyond safe levels. There are also human red blood cells, a variety of flu virus, as well as other biologicals some in the nanotechnology range. It is as if some corporate mad scientists which have been given control of the military have declared war on their own people fueled by pure greed with no restraint. If you still believe the powers that be are here to serve, you have a terminal case of denial.

James Gilliland