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Where the Water is Going .....

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From: Dick Eastman
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:41 AM
Subject: [frameup] Fw: Where the water is going...
"Whatever the secret reasons are for the world wide chemtrail phenomena, we are left with effects and that is a constant loss of moisture from the ground not to mention wide spread barium poisoning and all the applicable health effects"
I agree that the loss of moisture in certain regions and contrailed cloud cover are probably linked.    May I suggest  further that weaponized clandestine weather modification is being used to effect these "positive Malthusian checks on population" through drought, heat, cold.  Rather than -- or in addition to -- chemtrailed cloud absorbing moisture so it does not precipitate, I am convinced they are using the cloud they create to steer weather by affecting air pressure.  The idea is that the cloud causes the ground to be cooler than it otherwise would have been, with less heating of the air near the ground and therefore less convection (heated air expanding and rising) and thus higher-than-would-have-been pressure, which is used to block or push moving parcels of air,taking other factors into account, parcels that maybe hot, cold, moist or dry -- redirecting them so they will either gather more heat, cold, moisture or airidity, and then moving this air to the desired target.  This technique is further explained in this article:
El Niño was caused by "chemtrailed" cloud that cooled the surface of the sea
reducing convection and stopping the westward movement of air and of
the water the air usually pushes.  Pretty obvious from this photo taken during
the catastrophic El Nino.  While the surface water is cooler the deeper
water actually gets warmer, no longer fed by circulating antarctic waters
that normally move up the western coast of South America.  People can
actually profit by doing this, if they invest in the right commodities futures
and are in a position to buy up the land of farmers ruined by drought.
 From: Mark
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 12:09 AM
Subject: Where the water is going...
Where is the water going?  It's mainly about chemtrails. When a chemtrail is laid down above us in the blue sky,  it immediately begins to soak up the moisture in the air. The chemtrail particles are drawing the water from the air and subsequently the soil as it evaporates ground water.
We get massive spraying here on the coast. Blue sky is a rarity nowadays, as it's not long until the spraying begins again...
The ground water tables are way lower here in Ocean Shores than they were 15 years ago when I moved here... now if it rains, it's just a short time after the ground is as dry as a bone. Our humidity levels are up as the evaporated ground water heads for the upper atmosphere.
Whatever the secret reasons are for the world wide chemtrail phenomena, we are left with effects and that is a constant loss of moisture from the ground not to mention wide spread barium poisoning and all the applicable health effects.  
Most will not ever look up long enough to see the massive chemtrail above them. So, as their land is leached for all the water it contains, they wondered why and will die thirsty and hungry for the want of food. Chemtrails... part of the NWO world wide eugenics plan? Why not? 
As the masses are transfixed on their Savoir Obama's every breath, sports, entertainment and the tabloid news, the very life is being sucked out of the planet and it's happening in plane sight!  The food shortage is being created for sure and they will have us begging for water as well.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 6:37 PM
Subject: Breeden: Drive on I-5 -- starvation warfare you can always tell when the powers that be are trying to drive (or starve) you off your land
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Subject: Drive on I-5
Dick, I drove I-5 Thursday and again Sunday on return from Oregon.  The gist of the story is the control of federal dams. You might have heard about all the water problems with water around the Klamath river a couple of years ago.  Atlanta  is having the same sort of problem. In much of Arizona, you can't irrigate land unless it was irrigated before 1978. Much of Texas, you aren't allowed to use a rain barrel.  Many places, you have to use surface water,,, not your well.

GOV says that they never expect to fill lake Powell again. There are lots of current and looming water shortages.  The regulation of federal dams is a big problem. There doesn't seem to be a balance that will keep the snail-darters happy and still get water to the farmers.  Can't forget the "fairy shrimp" The snowpack is low,,, the crops will suffer.

It's not just the US. Australia used to raise enough rice to feed 20 million,,,, now, none.  In the Darling river drainage, GOV told the farmers that they didn't get any water a few years ago. It was all going to the cities.


Footnote:  Clandestine Weather Modification
 spent several years on the "chemtrail issue" -- calling it "clandestine

weather modification" and determining that it works like this:  the cloud cover

generated causes the surface of the earth (land or sea) to be cooler

than otherwise -- which means that the air directly above the ground or

ocean will be less warmed than otherwise -- which means less air will

rise than would have risen otherwise -- which means the pressure in that

area will higher than it would have been otherwise -- which means that

air flows will be redirected  -- note: whenever a high pressure area is

to your right you will have wind at your back -- thus, to create wind at

your back create high pressure at your right --  note within a note: air

does not just move straight in to a low pressure area because of the

spinning of the earth, that is because of the Coriolis Effect  --  and

thus  with this ability to create higher than otherwise pressure  -- if

you have an amazingly high powered/fast  computer  -- the

national science foundation computer is the fastest in the world -- and

a powerful enough weather model (systems of simultaneous equations with

thousands of real data coefficients all continuously updated) then you

can  control major weather events with this proviso:  even with the most

complete data, the best model and the fastest computer mankind's

continuing inability to gather data and compute data out to enough

decimal places will yield eventual bigtime error  as

approximation/estimate computations are multiplied too many times in

computation (fancifully called the "chaos" effect) limits the ability to

predict weather  to perhaps a week or two -- however this is enough to

modify weather because all that is needed is a succession of fresh

short-term interventions -- continuous inverventions and continuous

re-computing  affording successive approximations to the desired effect

to enable clandestine weather modification)  --  and so parcels of air

that are hot or cold, wet or dry, spinning or not spinning, can be

redirected.  If hot air is contained in one area -- its movement slowed

by high pressure areas blocking its usual movement -- that air will

become hotter   -- as when Yugoslavia was fried in 124 degree heat to

bring down Milosovic -- the Sahara heat from the south was kept in the

Mediterrainian area by chemtrailing creating high pressure in Central

Europe where it would ordinarily have gone -- the air parcel just kept

getting hotter.  Also when you put "chemtrailed" cloud cover over the

central Pacific south of the equator  the higher-than-otherwise air

pressure (remember the sea surface gets cooler than otherwise and the

air above the sea does not get warmed as much as otherwise, the air does

not rise as it would have, does not create the relative vaccum (low

pressure) to maintain the wind -- so  you stop the prevailing winds (the

air moving west) and this in turn stops the South Equatorial Current

which in turn stops the Peru Current behind it that normally brings cold

arctic surface waters (and fish) up the west coast of South America  --

and you have the El Niño effect which devestates the economies of many

countries (including our own).  The conspiracy is that El Niño and other

high-impact weather events are now under  control of private interests.

Of course there are other aspects to it  --  using the spin of one

system to accelerate another of smaller scale -- changing the radius of

a cyclonic system to speed it up  --  and means of altering intensity of

hurricanes by seeding near the wall of the eye etc.  -- but I just

wanted to present the simple model of redirecting weather movements

by the creation of high pressure zones.

No critic on usenet weather and physics newsgrous has  ever

touched this argument -- the science is rock solid and

the computation, modelling, monitoring and cloud-laying systems all

exists  -- and many people have agreed and many meterologists have said

they are open to the possibility.  One Israeli meterologist telling me

that Israel gets 21 percent of its rain from weather modification.  Also

National Science Foundation has given its weather models and global

weather monitoring feedback to Red China -- while it does not share it

with the National Weather Service  -- China are the world's experts in

short-term weather modification -- we are left to guess what method they

use.  I suppose I would have gotten further in getting the word out if I

didn't put so many ideas in  one sentence all the time  -- editing my

own writing is impossible because when I try I only think of more

qualifying and elaborating phrases to include  etc. I invite anyone to

break down the above and put it out on their own -- it never has

recieved a clear statment for the general public -- this is something

that everyone in the world should be made to understand. Forget the

"Global Warming" myth -- which I believe is mere cover for what is

really being done.    One more thing:  The people who are controlling

the weather are more interested in destroying crops for geopolitical

purposes (weaponized weather modification) and for economic

purposes than for "benefiting farmers"  --  buy futures (rights to buy

in the future at a given price)  in agricultural commodities and then

destroy this crop around the world to raise the price (supply and

demand)  and make a killing.  Did I mention that hurricane systems can

also be steered by this process  -- a hurricane is simply a spinning

parcel of air.  There is as much money to be made following a hurrican

as there is following the invasion of a Muslim country.   Katrina?

And were  tornadoes in Washington D.C. meant to send the same message as

the anthrax scare?   Perhaps we share the same suspicions. May I suggest

that you will feel better if you talk about it.

Google Dick + Eastman + Clandestine Weather Modification in google

groups from about 1998 to 2002  and you will see about a hundred

messages with documentation, first hand observation, an inventory of the

technology at the service of clandestine weather modification, debate,

 and forwarded letters sent to me from individuals around the world  --

including a man who layed chemtrails over the Indian Ocean but didn't

know what the mission was about.  Unfortunately I left all this behind

me following 9-11 and especially after the Pentagon security camera

video was released in March 2002.  One thing  -- when you tell people

about this they just reply by dropping the name HARP as if that magic

word makes everything I have uncovered about the true purpose of

"chemtrailing"  irrelevant and so is forgotten.  HARP is a system that

can heat parcels of air (whatever else it does) and so can create low

pressure areas -- or so I speculate -- but that does not change the fact

that creation of high pressure areas by laying cloud is being done with

disastrous effect on agriculture, water needs, farmers, regions hit by

steered cyclonic weather  and the general economy.

Bottom line: Chemtrails -- although less conspicuous than in the late

90's (perhaps because some of us are on to them) it is still being done

and still a major crime (or should be a crime),  mass-murder and a crime

against humanity if there ever was one.