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Ashland Chemtrail / Geo-Engineering by U.S. Gov't - Update 3/30/09

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 From:  Rose

To:  All Concerned Parties in America

Date: Monday, March 30, 2009, 6:40 PM

Jonathan Grabel wrote:

Dear Freinds,
Trusting this meets you well in all possible ways.

Here's a short video from Texas. We're not alone in this.>
(if this link doesn't work, copy and paste!)

The aerosol spray operation/chemtrails [or "geo-engineering" as called by government] are in full force over our skies. They are spraying daily, before we rise, and throughout the day. It is so sad, because there are so many beautiful things to be thinking about, focusing on, living...
but as long as they continue with this theft of our air, and this illegal, immoral spraying of this toxic soup of pathogens over our friends and family, it is certainly warranted to say something!

It has become clear to many, that being silent, or ignoring it, is not going to make it go away! [as almost NOTHING does in ignoring it.]

Our new mayor is very aware and concerned about the chemtrails, and KNOWS they are not ... contrails. There are many hundreds of Ashlandian's who are fully aware of what is happening in our skies.

There are also many more who are not. The time is now to continue to educate our neighbors and friends about this, to build upon the wave of awareness, and melt through the denial and fear, into positive constructive action.

For now, we are going to ask each and everyone of you who cares about this to help in ANY way you feel called. Call the city council, the mayor, tell people. The more awareness and understanding of the reality of this covert operation in our skies, the stronger we will be as we gather later this spring to go to the Mayor and City Council and ask for their support.

We need: donations to print flyers, and as many of you as possible who will take a pile of flyers and hand them out.
We will be working on several new designs for the flyers as well in the coming weeks.

If you can help in any way, please step forward, by replying to this email.
If not us, who? If not now, when?

Thanks for reading.