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From: Joy
To:  ; Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2009 4:34 AM
Do you think "reverse engineering of reality" fools us?
Jonathan Grabel wrote:
Greeting Friends!
I trust this meets you well on this Equinox Day [3/20/09], happy spring! :)
Well, I would love to report that since Obama has been in office that our skies have been clear and blue, but as I am sure that most of you know, that is unfortunately not the case.
The Spray Operation has continued non stop over the skies of Ashland [Oregon] and the Rogue Valley, even on this Equinox Day.
Just wanted to pop in and share a few bits of information that has arrived in recent days for your interest.
There are many that have expressed a renewed interest in starting up some local activity in regard to this.
We will be working on a new flyer and poster soon, and there are many options for ways we can approach this, if there is enough
What is your feeling about how you would like to proceed in this issue? Please respond, and I will post (without names) the replies.
Interesting article. This is how they "reverse engineer" reality. In other words, after the fact, condition us to accept these ideas!
Of course they never mention the real reason why this "global dimming" is happening!
Hollywood Does Chemtrails?? Check this out!!
There are lots of good videos on YouTube and Google Video.
An Update from our friends in Mount Shasta. Anyone out there able to start doing tests here in the Valley?
Though the following article focuses on Aluminum, that is just the very beginning of what has been found in the fallout
from many tests over many years.
Dear Fellow Citizens of Siskiyou County:
Thought it was important to let our community know that there are citizens in our area who are continuing to monitor and run environmental tests for aluminum contamination in our snow pack and rainwater.  Here are the following results:

The latest rainwater test for aluminum in the Mt. Shasta [California] area taken a few weeks ago by retired forest biologist, Francis Mangles shows 1010 ug/l. That is 1 to 2 thousand times higher than the EPA's recognized "potential range of normal" for aluminum in rainwater.  Mr. Mangles also shared that the lab technician from Basic Laboratory in Redding, which performed the test wrote, "concentration in drinking water should be below 50 ug/l and the action limit is 1000 ug/l."  Meaning anything over 1000 ug/l of contamination should be acted upon by the appropriate governing agencies. 

These tests coincide with Shasta County [California] residents' latest rainwater test for aluminum which showed it at 3450 ug/l, which is 3 to 4 thousand times higher than the EPA's recognized "potential range of normal" for aluminum in rainwater.  And 3 1/2 times the MCL for drinking water for the State of California.  And are way over the action limit.  This test was taken a couple of months ago.

I also wanted to remind everyone concerning last June's snow pack samples from Ski Bowl, which showed a whopping 61,000 ug/l for aluminum, which is 61 times the MCL for drinking water in California. And thousands of times over the action limit.

A Shasta County [CA] resident earlier in the year found the following: Samples were taken from a “filtered location” (forested hilltop away from any highway or industry).  The first sample was taken from a pond, which was lined with a fish safe Firestone Pond Guard liner, which is considered safe for aquatic life. The water sampled was an accumulation of over 1-½ years (18 months). This water test result came back at 375,000 ug/l, that is 375 times the MCL, which is 1,000 ug/l or 1 mg/l. The water sources for this pond are rainwater and well.  The well water, which is the other source for this pond, tested ND (not detected) for aluminum. The accumulation factor is so dangerously over the MCL.

Francis Mangles, the retired forest biologist, also wanted to bring to the attention of our community his great concern for the wildlife in our area.  Many of the wildlife drink from the 80 guzzlers (watering devices replenished by rainwater) which have been placed on the slopes [of] Mt. Shasta, north of the McCloud River.  We can only assume that since the rain and snow pack is full of aluminum, that the wildlife which depend on the guzzlers for their drinking water are getting daily doses of toxic aluminum from these water sources.

This contamination is unfortunately still with us folks and until more people, appropriate governmental agencies and environmental organizations in our area become concerned and outraged over these certifiable lab test results showing off-the-chart levels of aluminum, all of us including the wildlife will continue to suffer the consequences of this dangerous neuro-toxin. 

I am forwarding this on to every City Councilperson and County Supervisor [of Siskiyou County, CA], in hopes that they fulfill their fiduciary roles and hold themselves accountable to their families, to their greater community, to our environment and to our wildlife.  Ask them to run their own tests and then contact the appropriate governing agencies and ask them to investigate and find out why there are off-the-chart levels of aluminum in our rainwater, snow pack and in the air we all breathe?  This is not normal folks, there should be no or just a minuscule trace amounts of aluminum in these lab tests. All we are asking, is for them to do their jobs and investigate.


Rose Taylor / Mt. Shasta, CA

This also from Rose from Mount Shasta:
Hi All:
I've watched segments of this film online.  From what I have seen (I have dial-up) it is an excellent new film! If you have any doubters in your circle of influence, this will definitely make them think twice about what they think they know to be true.  It was made by a filmmaker from the UK, but he covers these illegal weather modification programs from the UK, US to Canada. Interviewing many citizens, showing their skies and their concerns. 

The film has a great human touch to it and begins with quite a song, "Don't Talk About The Weather".  Great documentary, please pass it on to all concerned so that we may educate and wake up more people to care about what is happening right over their heads.  Until more of humanity finds the consciousness and courage to care about this issue, this poisoning of our bodies, our skies, lands and water will continue.

May our souls and our world heal someday soon,



Hi All:
Wanted to let you know we have encouraging news that a independent American cable news program INN World Report has said they are very interested in this story.  They have told us that they would like to hear from the public and hear your stories and get your feed back.
See below for a short description about their syndicated news show.  Their email is:
Please contact them and let them know how you feel about being exposed to these experimental unregulated chemical spray programs.

Rose Taylor

International News Net World Report Evening News, usually shortened to the more common name INN World Report, is an independent American cable news program broadcast by the non-profit, progressive cable station Free Speech TV[1]. The program is hosted by Mizan Kirby Nunes, a local stage and independent film actress. The INN website claims that the newscast is also seen on one-hundred cable access stations, giving it access to up to 40 million households in the United States.[2] INN also airs a talk radio program, INN World Report Radio, which until 2008 was heard on the now-defunct, libertarian We the People Radio Network.
This is an article that is related. If you are not familiar with the LBAM spray operation in Monterey County, that what this is in reference to. It shows the reality of the aliances of the Obama administration.
Hi All:

I wish I didn't have to send this bad news out, but it is important that we all wake up at lightening speed and get beyond our delusions about Obama and the idea that his administration would be something quite different than Bush's.  UNFORTUNATELY IT LOOKS LIKE BUSINESS AS USUAL FOLKS.

If his cabinet appointments made us uneasy then his latest decisions regarding EPA protection for the public, does bode well for public health in the SF Bay area.  His administration is attempting to block the public's right to know what chemicals are in the Apple Moth Spray.

Between his choice for Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsak (known Monsanto shill & supporter of big AG and GE crops) and his turning down Robert Kennedy, Jr. for EPA director was a big disappointment to many progressives.  Many of his supporters said, that we still needed to give him a chance and see his actions.  Well between protecting the chemical corporations interests over SF Bay area's public health and the attacks we are just about to witness upon organic farmers rights and livelihoods, I have very little patience left for the Obama apologists. Please see Monsanto Bills Being Rushed Through Congress, Set To Destroy Organic Farming article:

Please read and pass on.  Knowledge is power, misinformation only weakens us.
Rose wrote:


This is what is happening to your neighbors in the San Francisco and Monterey Bay areas.

California | Santa Cruz Indymedia | U.S. | Environment & Forest Defense | Government & Elections | Health, Housing, and Public Services

EPA again suppress disclosure of chemicals used in aerial spray


Thursday Feb 12th, 2009 10:14 PM

SC & Monterey people were sprayed in 2007 with tricaprylyl methyl ammonium chloride (TMAC). Harmful if swallowed or inhaled, can cause burns to mouth, throat, and stomach.



San Francisco – Environmental leaders from throughout the San Francisco and Monterey Bay areas have asked Federal District Judge Saundra Armstrong to deny the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s motion to block disclosure of the chemicals used in the CheckMate pesticides sprayed on Monterey and Santa Cruz residents as part of the government’s Apple Moth Eradication Program. EPA has requested Judge Armstrong to prevent disclosure of the chemicals in the spray, claiming the manufacturer’s proprietary interest outweighs the public’s right to know. Previously, EPA approved use of these chemicals for continued spraying by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) in Monterey, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, San Mateo, San Francisco, Marin, Alameda, Contra Costa, and Sonoma counties. Opposing the spray program and seeking disclosure of its chemical ingredients are the lead plaintiff, North Coast Rivers Alliance, Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, Albany Mayor Robert Lieber, Santa Cruz City Councilman Tony Madrigal, and leaders of the anti-spray movement in each of the affected counties together with victims of the previous apple moth spray debacle in Monterey and Santa Cruz counties.
The basis for the lawsuit is that EPA ignored key public safety protections of the Federal Insecticide,

Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) in

granting an exemption from registration for the ingredients of the two apple moth pesticides sprayed in Santa Cruz and Monterey counties by USDA and CDFA. As a result, several hundred citizens were injured and filed reports with CDFA, many documented by physicians. More than 650 seabirds were killed, and hundreds of upland birds, domestic pets, and other animals were poisoned. USDA and CDFA are threatening to spray these unsafe pesticides again in the San Francisco Bay Area even though EPA’s own regulations classify these pesticides as unsafe for spraying over residential and agricultural areas.

Frank Egger, Board member of the lead plaintiff, North Coast Rivers Alliance, stated that “After 8 years of stonewalling by the Bush Administration, we had hoped that under President Obama, the EPA would choose protection of the public’s health over continued secrecy and corporate profit. Sadly, once again EPA has adopted industry’s commercial interests as its own, ignoring its duty to protect the environment. So we have been forced once again to ask the federal court to order EPA to do its job. No governmental agency is above the law.”
Stephan Volker, attorney for the plaintiffs, stated that “EPA’s attempt to suppress disclosure of the pesticide’s inert ingredients is a betrayal of its duty to prevent environmental harm. EPA’s job is to protect the public from dangerous pesticides, not protect the pesticides and their manufacturers’ profits from the public,” explained Mr. Volker. Mr. Volker pointed out that one of the “inert” ingredients in these pesticides, tricaprylyl methyl ammonium chloride (“TMAC”), is a harmful chemical that EPA never approved for aerial spraying in urban areas. The Material Safety Data Sheet (“MSDS”) for TMAC warns that it is “harmful if swallowed or inhaled,” and that ingestion can cause “[b]urns to mouth, throat, and stomach.” The MSDS also warns that skin and eye contact with TMAC can cause “severe burns” and “damaged skin.”
“We are asking the Federal Court to hold EPA accountable for its unlawful exemption of these hazardous pesticides from registration in direct violation of federal environmental laws,” stated Mr. Volker. A ruling by Judge Armstrong is expected soon.
Copies of the federal court Complaint, EPA’s motion to place its Answer partially under seal, EPA’s supporting testimony, NCRA’s opposition, and NCRA’s supporting testimony and exhibit, are attached.

----Read all the related documents at

this person is forwarding their lab results:
    A neighbor of mine picked up a small info card for Ashland Residents and Visitors.
Here in Portland, we have been hit regularly with chemtrails since September.    Very frustrating.  
In January, I had a several bronchial infection in the middle of all this exposure.   After talking with a chemist friend of mine, we had a sample analyzed.
If youd like results, let me know.   Maybe this can help.
To your good health & blessings,