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What New Mexico is Doing About Chemtrails

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Date: Sunday, February 1, 2009, 2:22 PM

Hi there, go to: ... this was created by the camp lovewave folks!... Bono of U2 is part of this!! THAT IS VERY BIG!


SKIES AGAIN...Peace & Light, Joy 

Stop the Assault on our Environment!!! 

    IN From: Rose - Mt. Shasta Region, CA

Great News! PG&E cancels cloud seeding!
Date: Sunday, February 1, 2009, 10:10 AM
Hi All:

Just wanted to say that I am thankful that PG&E has canceled (for this year) their toxic cloud seeding program in the McCloud area; And I am thankful to all those caring souls who brought this awareness to our community.  According to Angelina Cook, PG& E made this decision due to lack of precipitation, although, it looks like they will be resuming their spraying plans Fall of 2009.  Please see Angelina's announcement below my comments.

Although I do feel it necessary to express the following :

1) Since I have an expansive eastern sky view in the wee morning hours, I am reminded on a daily basis of this insidious cloud seeding program (or weather modification/ChemTrails or whatever you want to call it)  going on over our heads.

2) Every time there appears to be precipitation and clouds moving in with a promise of snow or rain, right before the storm front, those unmarked white jets begin to lay down even more heavily those white chemtrail plumes.  And according to Dane Wigington [of Redding, CA] and others who continue to test their rain water, the amount of aluminum and barium readings are at saturation levels for aluminum and barium in our rainwater, snowpacks and surface waters.
3) As reported in David Brower's Earth Island Journal, "According to the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Co., the only way to form artificial clouds in warm dry air is to introduce enough particulates into the atmosphere to attract and accrete all available moisture into visible vapor.  If repeated often enough, the resulting rainless haze can LEAD TO DROUGHT"

4) The Chinese last year used weather manipulation/modification (basically dumped precipitation absorbing chemicals like aluminum and barium into the sky) to halt the rain at the Olympic games in China this year.  So, yes they certainly know how to create or contribute to drought like conditions, if they wish to do so. 

5) Farmers and Ranchers from the Midwest to Texas have spoken out over the last decade about their concerns of how these "weather modification programs" may be altering their weather patterns and some feel they are actually creating drought conditions. 

6) For all those who remain in denial, there are two weather modification bills making their way through [U.S.] Congress, to make what they have been doing illegal, legal. The way these programs are written, there will be no publicly disclosed oversight whatsoever (sounds like the recent billion dollar bailout program).  Check out for yourselves if there is any doubt: U.S Senate Bill 1807 & U.S. House Bill 3445.

Finally, the bottom line for me is, we either will find "what it takes" as a community, as a people to come together and halt these "toxic experiments being conducted over our heads", or we will not.  Whatever the future holds, whether it be more illness, more droughts, more fires OR more health, more rain and more life, our actions or inactions, our voices or our silence will help create and mold our future.  

Here is to life,

Rose Taylor

Angelina Cook wrote:
Dear Friends & Neighbors of Mount Shasta,

I am pleased to report that PG&E has informed me of their

decision to stop their cloud seeding project in the McCloud &

Pit River drainages of Mount Shasta for the season! While

Mother Nature is the primary entity to thank for this

development (due to a lack of seedable fronts this winter),

our incredible grassroots response certainly helped, so thank

you everyone who has participated in our collective effort. 

Although PG&E is planning to reignite their project in Fall

2009, this minor victory gives us time to get really clear on

what we envision for this area and formulate a strategy to

preserve and enhance our natural heritage.

Attendees of the "Community Rights" event on 1/14 were clearly

interested in securing our ability to

steward common resources.

Anyone who would like to

assert our rights

through public

policy is strongly encouraged to attend the next meeting on

Feb. 11, 2009, 7:30 pm at the Flying Lotus in Mt. Shasta.

The meeting's agenda is as follows;

7:30 - 8:00 - Information - PG&E update and brief

presentation on the effects and implications of weather


8:00 - 9:00 - Review & Clarify - Discussion about various

local policy options and requirements, based on the

"Community Rights" information presented by Shannon Biggs and

Ben Price.

9:00 - 9:30 - Choose a Path - Decide wether or not to

facilitate a Mount Shasta Democracy School and form

sub-committees as appropriate.

If you have any insight and/or resources to help guide this

process, please contact me in advance or come prepared to


Celebrate & give thanks for our relatively



Angelina Cook


Angelina Cook Environmental


o - (530) 926-2266

m - (831)